
Results: 82
Functional Specialization and the Future of the Love of Wisdom
Paul St. Amour
Nov 12, 2022
Paul St. Amour is currently an Associate Professor of Philosophy at Saint Joseph’s University, in Philadelphia.  He received his Ph.D in philosophy from Fordham University and has published articles in The Thomist, Analecta...
Quantum Entanglement and Emergence
Paul O'Hara
Mar 16, 2022
Paul O’Hara has a Ph.D. in mathematics from UCLA and has widely published in theoretical physics especially in the areas related to general relativity and quantum mechanics. Currently, he is a professor of scientific methodology...
Primary Mobile Image Analysis of Human Intestinal Worm Detection
One among a lot of public health concerns in rural and tropical areas is the human intestinal parasite. Traditionally, diagnosis of these parasites is by visual analysis of stool specimens, which is usually tedious and...
Published by: IGI Global
Bare Nouns in the Typology of DPs
Ileana Paul
Aug 01, 2013
This paper investigates two types of bare nouns in Malagasy: bare nouns in possessor raising contexts and bare noun objects. It is argued that these two types are structurally distinct. In possessor raising, the bare noun is in...
Usability Engineering and HCI for Promoting Root-Level Social Computation and Informatics Practice
Prantosh Paul
Apr 01, 2021
Human-computer interaction talks about designing IT and computing technologies in the context of man-machine interaction. Man-machine interaction (MMI), human-machine interaction (HMI), usability experience design...
Published by: IGI Global
An ‘Amuse-Bouche at Best'
Paul Moody
Jul 01, 2017
Much has been written about the function of narrative in virtual reality (VR) productions (Aylett & Louchart, 2003; Aylett et al, 2005; Ryan, 2001; 2005; 2008; 2009), but the role of the audience, and the relative degree of...
Published by: IGI Global
Book Review: This Is Esports (And How to Spell It)
Susmit Gulavani
Jan 01, 2021
The review critiques 'This Is Esports (And How to Spell It): An Insider’s Guide to the World of Pro Gaming', a book written by Paul Chaloner and Benjamin Sillis. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the history of the...
Published by: IGI Global
System Architectures for Sensor-Based Dynamic Remaining Shelf-life Prediction
Different storage and handling conditions in cold supply chains often cause variations in the remaining shelf life of perishable foods. In particular, the actual shelf life may differ from the expiration date printed on the...
Published by: IGI Global
Learning the Practice of Understanding Myself
Kenneth Melchin
Mar 16, 2022
Kenneth R. Melchin is Emeritus Professor in the Faculty of Theology and Director of the Lonergan Centre at Saint Paul University, Ottawa. He has authored numerous publications including Spiritualizing Politics without...
Optimal Solution of Combined Heat and Power Dispatch Problem Using Whale Optimization Algorithm
In this article whale optimization algorithm (WOA) has been applied to solve the combined heat and power economic dispatch (CHPED) problem. The CHPED is energy system which provides both heat and power. Due to presence of valve...
Published by: IGI Global
Performance Analysis of Select ESG Funds in India
The creation of the “Jones Sustainability Index” in 1999, the “Asia Pacific Index” in 2009 and other indices have made it easier for investors to select companies with a best-in-class approach to ‘economic’, ‘environmental’ and...
Published by: Singh Publication
Ranking Barriers of Supply Chain Management by MCDM Method During Disaster Management
Disasters are often described as a result of the combination of the exposure to a hazard, the conditions of vulnerability that are present, and insufficient capacity or measures to reduce or cope with the potential negative...
Published by: IGI Global
Organic Business Modeling and the Organism-Ecosystem Unit Duality
Paul Washburn
Jul 01, 2019
The health of a corporation relies most heavily upon healthy human beings' value-based productivity for optimal growth and evolution. A duality between personhoods and their respective systems' weighted impacts are in question...
Published by: IGI Global
Xavier Tilliette on Revelation as the Measure of Reason
Tyler Tritten
Apr 05, 2022
Xavier Tilliette, born in Sommes, France in 1921, passed away on 10 December 2018 at the age of 97.  Although he first gained notoriety for his many studies of  Schelling, he has also published numerous books and articles on...
Social Work Education During COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic has unfolded, educators have needed to rapidly adapt the ways of delivering study materials to facilitate learning for university students. This article discusses the findings from a series of focus...
Deconstructing a Hermeneutic Presupposition in Ricoeur’s The Symbolism of Evil
This paper critically analyzes Paul Ricoeurʼs presupposition that Plato’s philosophy was built on Orphism. In order to shed light on this central problematic issue in The Symbolism of Evil, this paper develops the following...
Malware Detection in Android Apps Using Static Analysis
Frequency of malware attacks because Android apps are increasing day by day. Current studies have revealed startling facts about data harvesting incidents, where user’s personal data is at stake. To preserve privacy of users, a...
Published by: IGI Global
A Critique of Fundamentalism in Singing
Paul Woodford
Nov 19, 2013
Perhaps the most hallowed of traditions among artists of creative vigour is this: traditions in the creative arts are per se suspect. For they exist on the patrimony of standardization, which means degeneration. They dominate...
Published by: Faculty of Education
Design and Optimization of Direct Drive Motor Alloy Wheel for Manual Wheelchair
The wheelchair is the primary rehabilitation device used to enable the movement capability of disabled people. To provide an appropriate wheelchair, the doctor will suggest the necessary customization has to be made on the...
Published by: IGI Global







