Single-chip multicore processors and their network on chip interconnection mechanisms have received extensive interest since the early 2000s. The mesh topology is popular in networks on chip. A common issue in mesh is that it...
AbstractThe spreading dynamics of the gravity-driven liquid motion on an inclined solid surface was studied by considering two fundamental physical models: the molecular kinetic...
AbstractThe spreading dynamics of the gravity-driven liquid motion on an inclined solid surface was studied by considering two fundamental physical models: the molecular kinetic...
Abstract: The spreading dynamics of the gravity-driven liquid motion on an inclined solid surface was studied by considering two fundamental physical models: the molecular kinetic theory and the hydrodynamic theory (HDT). The...
In this paper we compare the Islamic insurance industry (Takaful) to the conventional insurance across 14 countries over the 2005–2014 period. Our methodology relies on panel regressions and accounts for the periods during...
In this paper we compare the Islamic insurance industry (Takaful) to the conventional insurance across 14 countries over the 2005–2014 period. Our methodology relies on panel regressions and accounts for the periods during...
PURPOSE: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of prediabetes and undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) according to fasting plasma glucose (FPG), 2-h plasma glucose (PG) during oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)...
The identification of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell receptor (TCR) sequences is critical for understanding T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2. Accordingly, we reanalyze publicly available data from SARS-CoV-2-recovered patients who had...
AbstractAgricultural practices in northern Sudan have been changing rapidly but remain little documented. In this paper we aim to investigate changes to crops grown in living memory and their...
Harvesting energy from waves as a substantial resource of renewable energy has attracted much attention in recent years. Linear permanent magnet vernier generators (LPMVGs) have been widely adopted in wave energy applications to...
In order to quickly extract the visual navigation line of farmland robot, an extraction algorithm for dark primary agricultural machinery is proposed. The application of dark primary color principle in new farmland is made...
This article analyzes a solitary item stochastic inventory model with two distinctive generation rates where a request pursues Poisson distribution and an item has a limited lifetime which is level dependent. It is expected that...
Electronic library resources are believed to be recent development in the world of internet. However, access to electronic library resources appears to be lacking, and thus has become a major issue of concern among electronic...
OBJECTIVE: To investigate GABA-ergic receptor density and associated brain functional and grey matter changes in focal hand dystonia (FHD). METHODS: 18 patients with FHD of the right hand and 18 age and gender matched healthy...
Building on the elaboration likelihood model (ELM) and absorptive capacity, this study develops a four-dimensional model of idea adoption in Virtual Crowdsourcing Communities (VCCs) and examines the influence of different...
Indonesia hosts the largest number of active volcanoes, several of which are renowned for climate-changing historical eruptions. This pedigree might suggest a substantial fraction of global volcanic sulfur emissions from...
The Medieval India saw a great advancement in the progress of Indian language and literature. Persian and Arabic are the most important literary works of the Afghan period. Hindi literature also made a significant progress...
The increasing prevalence of business cases utilizing internet of things (IoT) analytics, coupled with the diversity of IoT analytics platforms and their capabilities, poses an immense challenge for organizations seeking to make...
This study presents a data analytics framework that aims to analyze topics and sentiments associated with COVID-19 vaccine misinformation in social media. A total of 40,359 tweets related to COVID-19 vaccination were collected...
Harvesting energy from waves as a substantial resource of renewable energy has attracted much attention in recent years. Linear permanent magnet vernier generators (LPMVGs) have been widely adopted in wave energy applications to...
BACKGROUND: Blood culture is the standard diagnostic method for typhoid and paratyphoid (enteric) fever in surveillance studies and clinical trials, but sensitivity is widely acknowledged to be suboptimal. We conducted a...
Indonesia hosts the largest number of active volcanoes, several of which are renowned for climate-changing historical eruptions. This pedigree might suggest a substantial fraction of global volcanic sulfur emissions from...