
Results: 10
An LSTM-Based Approach to Predict Stock Price Movement for IT Sector Companies
A stock market is an aggregation of buyers and sellers where issuance, buying, and selling of stocks happen. Predicting stock price is a significant concern due to volatility. Historical stock price and historical price data...
Published by: IGI Global
Sheaf Representation of an Information System
Pyla Sagar, M. Kishore
Apr 01, 2019
Ever since Pawlak introduced the concepts of rough sets, it has attracted many researchers and scientists from various fields of science and technology. Particularly for algebraists as it presented a gold mine to explore the...
Published by: IGI Global
Computational Analysis of the Impact of Yoga on QoL and Body Flexibility
This research paper is an initiative to provide insight into the health and quality of life (QoL) benefits of yoga. The investigation aims to study the ancient therapy for de-stressing occupational stress and improving...
Published by: IGI Global
Impact of Meditation on Quality of Life of Employees
The article presents a conceptual and empirical research study with future scope for wellness programs for organizational health promotion and mental well-being. The study focuses on virtual programs on meditation or mindfulness...
Published by: IGI Global
A Novel Modulation Scheme of 8x8 MIMO in Industry 4.0
A key component in the usage of Industry 4.0 arrangements is the up and coming age of system network, LTE/LTE advanced today, and 5G, later on. Industry 4.0 is conveying private LTE arranges today, as they trust it will give...
Published by: IGI Global
ICT as “Knowledge Management” for Assessing Sustainable Consumption and Production in Supply Chains
The significance of sustainability is continually expanding among researchers, policymakers, and decision makers. To improve the efficiency of value chain activities such as manufacturing, distribution, and consumption, an...
Published by: IGI Global
A Systematic Review of Tools Available in the Field of Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality interfaces have been extensively researched throughout the past few decades, with many user studies being conducted. This paper examines the landscape of research on augmented reality. We summarise the overall...
Published by: IGI Global
Secured and Privacy-Based IDS for Healthcare Systems on E-Medical Data Using Machine Learning Approach
Existing methods use static path identifiers, making it easy for attackers to conduct DDoS flooding attacks. Create a system using Dynamic Secure aware Routing by Machine Learning (DAR-ML) to solve healthcare data. A DoS...
Published by: IGI Global
Challenging the "old boys club" in academia
In light of global environmental crises and the need for sustainable development, the fields of public health and environmental sciences have become increasingly interrelated. Both fields require interdisciplinary thinking and...
Scientific Aspects of the Indian Vedic Sciences and Their Effect on Stress
Indian Ancient Vedic Science, which has fascinated the world researchers, has become more relevant in the 21st century because of other global crises and threats. It has shown a powerful impact in all the areas of life...
Published by: IGI Global