
Results: 114
A Novel Video Forgery Detection Model Based on Triangular Polarity Feature Classification
Video forgery has been increasing over the years due to the wide accessibility of sophisticated video editing software. A highly accurate and automated video forgery detection system will therefore be vitally important in...
The Notion of a Thing
Now the notion of a thing is grounded in an insight that grasps, not relations between data, but a unity, identity, whole in data; and this unity is grasped, not by considering data from any abstractive viewpoint, but by taking...
The Notion of a Thing
Now the notion of a thing is grounded in an insight that grasps, not relations between data, but a unity, identity, whole in data; and this unity is grasped, not by considering data from any abstractive viewpoint, but by taking...
Decision Tree Trust (DTTrust)-Based Authentication Mechanism to Secure RPL Routing Protocol on Internet of Battlefield Thing (IoBT)
Providing security on the internet of battlefield things (IoBT) is a crucial task because of various factors such as heterogeneous, dynamic, and resource-constrained devices. Besides, authentication is essential, and it ensures...
Mark Y. Herring
Jan 01, 0001
If obfuscation is the next best thing to being there, then certainly the subject of this column wins the prize.
Published by: Winthrop University
Accommodating Ambiguity Within Aquinas’ Philosophy Of Truth
Catherine Nancekievill
Jan 28, 2022
Abstract: To what extent can Aquinas' philosophy of truth accommodate ambiguity? If an ambiguous object is that which exhibits multiple conflicting meanings, and truth, as ‘the conformity of thing and intellect', has its source...
Published by:
Program for the Stage Production The Restaurant Scene: Three One-Act Plays
ProTheatre Club
Jan 01, 0001
This six-page program details the ProTheatre of Ursinus College's production of "The Restaurant Scene", three one-act plays, held November 7 to 9, 1996, in the Ritter Center. It includes detailed cast and crew information for...
Published by: Ursinus College
The Ursinus Weekly, October 28, 1918
Ernest Y. Raetzer
Jan 01, 0001
The year's lecture and entertainment course Swarthmore defeats Ursinus by large score, 51-7 The annual benefit tea of the Ursinus Women's Club Conserve water! Soccer Liberty sing attracts large audience The right thing at...
Published by: Ursinus College
Mentor Walk Gives Winthrop a Chance to Showcase Attending College
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
The Mentor Walk will attract participants from more than 10 organizations or agencies, including the Boys & Girls Clubs, the "Do the Right Thing" religious groups, a Brownies Troop, St. Anne Catholic School and the Mount Holly...
Published by: Winthrop University
Save the Internet
Mark Y. Herring
Jan 01, 0001
With rare exception, nothing has galvanized activists and those of us in libraries more these days than net neutrality. It's also "a thing" with just about everyone else. If you "google" the phrase, the first two or three...
Published by: Winthrop University
“The Unity that is Indivisibly Present in Each Thing”
Benjamin Brewer
Dec 20, 2020
On May 15th, 1801, Schelling sent Fichte a copy of his recently published Presentation of my System of Philosophy along with a letter. In the letter Schelling claims to “stand on a point whose discussion falls outside this...
“The thing is, kids don’t grow the same”
The prevalence of overweight and obesity is high among preschool age (3–5 years) children in South Africa, and children in urban low-income settings are particularly at risk. A better understanding of how parents or caregivers...
Published by:
The Ursinus Weekly, February 12, 1904
Ursinus Union meets Literary Societies Academy Literary Society A sad bereavement Dr. Shaw speaks in YMCA The new catalogue Philadelphia letter Alumni personals Change in the "Weekly" staff Meeting of the Executive...
Published by: Ursinus College








