
Results: 153
Unsupervised generative and graph representation learning for modelling cell differentiation
Abstract: Using machine learning techniques to build representations from biomedical data can help us understand the latent biological mechanism of action and lead to important discoveries. Recent developments in single-cell...
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Unsupervised generative and graph representation learning for modelling cell differentiation
Abstract: Using machine learning techniques to build representations from biomedical data can help us understand the latent biological mechanism of action and lead to important discoveries. Recent developments in single-cell...
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Exploring ICCS 2016 to measure progress toward target 4.7
The objective of this report is to analyse data from the last cycle of the International Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS 2016) (Schulz et al., 2017) in order to demonstrate its potential for monitoring specific aspects of the...
Published by: UNESCO
Unsupervised generative and graph representation learning for modelling cell differentiation.
Using machine learning techniques to build representations from biomedical data can help us understand the latent biological mechanism of action and lead to important discoveries. Recent developments in single-cell...
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Preparation of mono-substituted malonic acid half oxyesters (SMAHOs).
The use of mono-substituted malonic acid half oxyesters (SMAHOs) has been hampered by the sporadic references describing their preparation. An evaluation of different approaches has been achieved, allowing to define the best...
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Mixed Signals
The relative importance of educational qualifications and cognitive skills forms an enduring debate in research on education and the labour market. While early work in human capital theory essentially equated qualifications and...
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A Measurement Strategy for SDG Thematic Indicators 4.7.4 and 4.7.5 Using International Large Scale Assessments in Education
The aim of this document is to describe and implement a measurement strategy for the SDG Thematic Indicators 4.7.4 and 4.7.5 using International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSAs) in Education. Building on two reports previously...
Should different countries participating in PISA interpret socioeconomic background in the same way? A measurement invariance approach
It has been claimed that there is a lack of theory-driven constructs and a lack of cross-country comparability in International Large-Scale Assessment (ILSA)’s socio-economic background scales. To address these issues, a new...
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Back to the drawing board
Using data from international large-scale assessments (ILSA), we evaluate the issue of country-level model-data consistency of background socio-economic scales, as well as the invariance across countries. To that end, we use...
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Mixed Signals
The relative importance of educational qualifications and cognitive skills forms an enduring debate in research on education and the labour market. While early work in human capital theory essentially equated qualifications and...
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The Neutrophil Life Cycle.
Neutrophils are recognized as an essential part of the innate immune response, but an active debate still exists regarding the life cycle of these cells. Neutrophils first differentiate in the bone marrow through progenitor...
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Prediction of the water/oil interfacial tension from molecular simulations using the coarse-grained SAFT-γ Mie force field
This work is framed within the Ninth Industrial Fluid Properties Simulation Challenge, with the aim of assessing the capability of molecular simulation methods and force fields to accurately predict the interfacial tension of...
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Cultural, social, and economic capital constructs in international assessments

The article employs exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) to evaluate constructs of economic, cultural, and social capital in international large-scale assessment (LSA) data from the Progress in International...

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Youth Future Civic Participation in Europe

European countries were economically and politically separated during the Cold War, but since its end processes of globalization and the formation of the European Union have contributed to blur the borders. Previous studies...

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Global Citizenship
The extent to which educational efforts change the way students view themselves and the world is important to know, particularly if curricula have an international character and claim to develop attributes aligned with global...
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Teachers’ Pedagogical Autonomy, Professional Development and Students’ Digital Skills
In light of the recent education reforms in Italy (La Buona Scuola, Law 107/15) featuring autonomy and digital skills, this paper examines the impact of teachers’ pedagogical autonomy on students’ computer literacy. The...
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