
Results: 13051
Desgarraduras del cuerpo y degolladuras de la voz
B Epps
Aug 24, 2017
El mismo mar de todos los veranos de Esther Tusquets narra la tormentosa relación erótica y emocional de una mujer de la alta burguesía catalana, casada y desencantada, que ejerce de profesora de literatura, con una joven...
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De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
De rien
M Crowley
Sep 01, 2017
En principe, le seul matérialisme conséquent serait celui qui saurait se libérer de toute idée régulatrice. De toute fin, comme de toute origine. En principe, du moins. Sans doute ne sort-on pas si aisément de ces vieux...
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De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
Transgender Genealogy in Tristan de Nanteuil
B Gutt
Aug 29, 2018
This article proposes the use of transgender theory within medieval studies as both a productive and a politically significant optic. The article employs transgender theory to effect a new reading of the miraculous...
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Millikelvin de Haas–van Alphen and magnetotransport studies of graphite
Recent studies of the electronic properties of graphite have produced conflicting results regarding the positions of the different carrier types within the Brillouin zone, and the possible presence of Dirac fermions. In this...
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Perceptions of adverse work conditions and innovative behavior
This study investigates how employees' perceptions of adverse work conditions might discourage innovative behavior and the possible buffering roles of relational resources. Data from a Mexican-based organization reveal that...
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Modernity, gender and the spectre of coloniality in the "Moroccan Texts" of Carmen de Burgos and Aurora Bertrana
B Epps
Jan 10, 2017
This article examines two works by Carmen de Burgos and Aurora Bertrana situated in Morocco—En la guerra, from 1909, and El Marroc sensual i fanatic from 1936—in the light of three interrelated questions: gender, nationality and...
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The moderating role of organizational context on the relationship between innovation and firm performance
This study examines how two cross-functional conditions (decision autonomy and trust) and a key managerial attitude toward the organization (organizational commitment), both individually and collectively, act as catalysts of the...
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Millikelvin de Haas–van Alphen and magnetotransport studies of graphite
Recent studies of the electronic properties of graphite have produced conflicting results regarding the positions of the different carrier types within the Brillouin zone, and the possible presence of Dirac fermions. In this...
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Structural and relational influences on the role of reward interdependence in product innovation
This study examines the relationship between reward interdependence, or the extent to which managers' rewards are tied to the performance of colleagues in other functions, and product innovation. It also considers how structural...
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Structural and relational influences on the role of reward interdependence in product innovation
This study examines the relationship between reward interdependence, or the extent to which managers' rewards are tied to the performance of colleagues in other functions, and product innovation. It also considers how structural...
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Shedding new light on the relationship between contextual ambidexterity and firm performance
This research investigates four key factors that influence the relationship between contextual ambidexterity and firm performance: two knowledge exchange elements (i.e., informational justice and task conflict) and two aspects...
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The moderating impact of internal social exchange processes on the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship
This paper applies a social exchange perspective to understand the internal contingencies of the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and performance. It focuses on two aspects of social interactions among...
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Structural and relational interdependence and entrepreneurial orientation in small and medium-sized enterprises
This article examines the intermediary role of internal knowledge-sharing in the relationship between two aspects of small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) internal organisational context: structural and relational...
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The moderating role of organizational context on the relationship between innovation and firm performance
This study examines how two cross-functional conditions (decision autonomy and trust) and a key managerial attitude toward the organization (organizational commitment), both individually and collectively, act as catalysts of the...
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Contextual ambidexterity in SMEs
This article seeks to extend research on small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and ambidexterity by investigating contingency factors that influence the relationship between contextual ambidexterity and SME performance....
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Contextual ambidexterity in SMEs
This article seeks to extend research on small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and ambidexterity by investigating contingency factors that influence the relationship between contextual ambidexterity and SME performance....
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Intolerancia en Tiempos de Crisis: Hacia una Literatura Transgresora en El sitio de los sitios de Juan Goytisolo
Oscar Ivan Useche
Jan 01, 0001
Este artículo propone entender la novela de Goytisolo como una respuesta cultural a la crisis de los modelos de racionalidad occidental. Se estudian las dinámicas de descomposición social de la globalización y la aparición...
Published by: Ursinus College
Structural and relational interdependence and entrepreneurial orientation in small and medium-sized enterprises
This article examines the intermediary role of internal knowledge-sharing in the relationship between two aspects of small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) internal organisational context: structural and relational...
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When good conflict gets better and bad conflict becomes worse
This research investigates the moderating effect of social capital on the conflict-innovation relationship and poses the argument that social interaction amplifies the beneficial effect of task conflict and the harmful effect of...
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Perceptions of adverse work conditions and innovative behavior
This study investigates how employees' perceptions of adverse work conditions might discourage innovative behavior and the possible buffering roles of relational resources. Data from a Mexican-based organization reveal that...
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U ( 1 ) B 3 - L 2 explanation of the neutral current B - anomalies
B. C. Allanach
Mar 25, 2021
Abstract: We investigate a speculative short-distance force, proposed to explain discrepancies observed between measurements of certain neutral current decays of B hadrons and their Standard Model predictions. The force derives...
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When good conflict gets better and bad conflict becomes worse
This research investigates the moderating effect of social capital on the conflict-innovation relationship and poses the argument that social interaction amplifies the beneficial effect of task conflict and the harmful effect of...
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