A critical study of the rich religious tradition surrounding Guan Yu 關羽
(Guandi 關帝 / Guangong 關公 / Lord Guan) was long overdue. Bared ter Haar’s recent book rises up to the task with commendable thoroughness, a tour de force of...
Miss Li Nei-Yu of Peiping, China, submitted an application for admission to Winthrop College for Women. Her transcripts arrived with $1400 US in postage due to the inflation in China. Rock Hill post office employees say to send...
Starting off from Makeham’s (2003) differentiation between historical meaning and scriptural meaning, Huang’s (2011) citation of coherence theories and Xu’s (2002; 2004a; 2004b) embodimental reading by rejecting Western logos...
We investigated the reciprocal relationship between individual social capital and perceived mental and physical health in the UK. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey from 1991 to 2008, we fitted cross-lagged...
When Elizabeth von Arnim's novel 'Introduction to Sally' appeared in 1926, the critical response was divided. Dame Ethel Smyth may have told von Arnim the book was her 'masterpiece' but some were less convinced; the reviewer in...
We investigated the reciprocal relationship between individual social capital and perceived mental and physical health in the UK. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey from 1991 to 2008, we fitted cross-lagged...
We investigated the reciprocal relationship between individual social capital and perceived mental and physical health in the UK. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey from 1991 to 2008, we fitted cross-lagged...
We investigated the reciprocal relationship between individual social capital and perceived mental and physical health in the UK. Using data from the British Household Panel Survey from 1991 to 2008, we fitted cross-lagged...
Abstract: Bernard Williams thought that philosophy should address real human concerns felt beyond academic philosophy. But what wider concerns are addressed by Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy, a book he introduces as being...
Pierrot Lambert is the author of Bernard Lonergan: Introduction à sa vie et à son œuvre (Montréal: Guérin, 2008), co-author (with Charlotte Tansey and Cathleen Going) of Caring about Meaning: Patterns in the Life of Bernard...
Pierrot Lambert is the author of Bernard Lonergan: Introduction à sa vie et à son œuvre (Montréal: Guérin, 2008), co-author (with Charlotte Tansey and Cathleen Going) of Caring about Meaning: Patterns in the Life of Bernard...
We explain the results of Yu et al. (2015b) of the novel sharpness angle measurement to a large number of spectra obtained from the Fermi gamma-ray burst monitor. The sharpness angle is compared to the values obtained from...
We explain the results of Yu et al. (2015b) of the novel sharpness angle measurement to a large number of spectra obtained from the Fermi gamma-ray burst monitor. The sharpness angle is compared to the values obtained from...
Ursinus conquers the Navy 10 to 7 Meeting of the Advisory Council Prospects bright for winning team Thanksgiving A critical estimate of "Pygmalion" and incidentally of G. Bernard Shaw Among the colleges College directory ...
AbstractWe investigate how a Generative Adversarial Network could be used to generate a list of particle four-momenta from LHC proton collisions, allowing one to define a...
Based on self-built parallel and comparable corpora, this paper explores the translator's style manifested in two Chinese translations of Moment in Peking (one by Zhang Zhenyu and the other by Yu Fei). The findings demonstrate...
Chloroplasts are attractive platforms for synthetic biology applications since they are capable of driving very high levels of transgene expression, if mRNA production and stability are properly regulated. However, plastid...
Abstract: We investigate how a Generative Adversarial Network could be used to generate a list of particle four-momenta from LHC proton collisions, allowing one to define a generative model that could abstract from the...