Bob Thompson elected by General Assembly to Winthrop's Board of Trustees. Thompson, along with Karl Folkens and Donna Tinsley, will serve six-year terms.
Larry Durham '80, '87, Mike Forrest '98, Bob Breakfield, Bob Thompson and Larry Carroll were honored during the 6 p.m. event in the DiGiorgio Campus Center Ballroom. The Pinnacle Awards are held biennially.
Laboratory studies of pathogens aim to limit complexity in order to disentangle the important parameters contributing to an infection. However, pathogens rarely exist in isolation, and hosts may sustain co-infections with...
Laboratory studies of pathogens aim to limit complexity in order to disentangle the important parameters contributing to an infection. However, pathogens rarely exist in isolation, and hosts may sustain co-infections with...
Bob has a black box that emits a single pure state qudit which is, from his perspective, uniformly distributed. Alice wishes to give Bob evidence that she has knowledge about the emitted state while giving him little or no...
The exhibit is on display until Oct. 30 at the Louise Pettus Archives at 700 Cherry Road. Reference librarian Bob Gorman will give a lecture Monday, Oct. 21, at 6:30 p.m.
Laboratory studies of pathogens aim to limit complexity in order to disentangle the important parameters contributing to an infection. However, pathogens rarely exist in isolation, and hosts may sustain co-infections with...
Inside this Issue:
Bob Gorman RetiresKim Wright to SpeakWhy Friends Matter Dean HerringActive Member List & Friends Fall ElectionMembership Application
The motility of microalgae has been studied extensively, particularly in model microorganisms such as Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. For this and other microalgal species, diurnal cycles are well known to control the metabolism...
Bears trip Crusaders 14-0 to end year Young passes to victory as student spirit booms Council to conduct poll on regulations for frosh customs Local actors prepare for season openers Y opens toy drive; Plans yule service...
Patrick, a native of Knoxville, Tennessee, will use the $7,500 award to attend medical school at Western University of Health Sciences of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific in Pomona, California. He was a recipient last year of...
Seniors plan show, "Back in civvies," as novel enterprise Two profs to debate economic aid policy Twenty fall victim to rushing tactics in spring campaign Compton wins first at inter-collegiates; remains unbeaten Y prexy to...
Inside this issue:
Welcome by Dr. Lyon Meet the Officers Letter from WUHA! President Photo Story: Awesome Honors Events Alumni Story 2017 Seniors How the Honors Program Helped me Earn Five Scholarships Being Honors and Greek...
World traveller extends request for WSSF funds Y group toy, clothing drive to start next week Nola Luxford gives pattern for peace in forum address Two experienced Englishmen to present top-notch production of Shaw's satire ...
Plenary Keynote Presentation II from The Phenomenon of Singing International Symposium VIII. Held at Memorial University, St. John's NL, 2011. Introduction: Jane Gosine
(Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Plenary Keynote Presentation II from The Phenomenon of Singing International Symposium VIII. Held at Memorial University, St. John's NL, 2011. Introduction: Jane Gosine
(Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Variety of events await returning alumni June 4 Speakers' lives promise valuable commencement Jentsch takes vote of future seniors in class elections Mazurkiewicz gets 'Lantern' editorship Ursinus to award honorary degrees...
Sheri Lynch, co-host of "The Bob and Sheri Show," will speak on strength and resilience during her Feb. 16 talk. Lynch, a two-time author and a graduate of Winthrop's Master of Social Work program, recently began sharing her...
289 students graduate Ursinus today: Brooks Hays selected speaker at graduation 1970 Honorary Degree recipients Ursinus College class of 1970 Focus: Bob Keehn Departmental honors
Lecture Report of field house committee Zwinglian program Sermon De Alumnis Professor Chandler's lecture Schaff society College doings YMCA service Dickinson College football banquet "Bluffing as a fine art" College...
One new board member was elected in April by the General Assembly and will join the board this year, Sue Smith-Rex of Winnsboro, S.C. In July, Smith-Rex will replace retiring member Bob Thompson of Rock Hill and will serve a...
Curled Bruised Accident Prone Bob or Beatrice or Something Burrow The French Door Before the War: On Earth as it is in Texas Love Seat Delusionus Prime Delineate The Color of Coffee A Memory August...
Donna Glenn Holley of Congressional District 2 and Ashlye Wilkerson `05 of Congressional District 6 were re-elected on April 2. Randy Imler `87, `00 will replace long-time member Bob Thompson in the at-large seat, which was...