
Results: 4650
Direitos Sociais na Constituição Uma Análise da Constitucionalização dos Direitos Sociais em Portugal, 1975-76
Embora todas as constituições incluam direitos, e muitas delas incluam direitos sociais, a verdade é que algumas são mais generosas do que outras a este respeito. Mas nenhuma se aproxima da Constituição da República Portuguesa...
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Interview with Emily Richardson Ivory - OH 663
This interview was conducted by Dr. George Garrison with Emily Richardson Ivory (1925-2008). Mrs. Ivory was a native of Charlotte, North Carolina and a longtime elementary school teacher in the Carolinas. After moving to...
Published by: Winthrop University
Secondary Metabolites of Osmanthus fragrans
Osmanthus fragrans (scientific name: Osmanthus fragrans (Thunb.) Lour.) is a species of the Osmanthus genus in the family Oleaceae, and it has a long history of cultivation in China. O. fragrans is edible and is well known for...
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Interview with Charles B. Vail and Emily Vail - OH 178
Dr. Charles B. Vail (1923-) was the sixth president of Winthrop, serving from 1973 to 1982. He is joined in this interview by his wife, Emily Vail. Grace B. Freeman, editor of the Winthrop Alumni Magazine, interviews Dr. and...
Published by: Winthrop University
A Hybrid Binary Bird Swarm Optimization (BSO) and Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) for VM Allocation and Load Balancing in Cloud
The cloud platform is becoming one of the fastest-rising environments in human activities, connecting the whole world in the upcoming decades. The three crucial aspects of cloud computing that enhance the quality of service are...
Balthus’ Illustrations of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights
Rachel Grout
Apr 04, 2023
Between 1932 and 1935 Balthasar Klossowski de Rola, known as Balthus (1908-2001) created a series of illustrations of Emily Brontë’s novel Wuthering Heights. Diverging from the contemporary Surrealist interpretation of the...
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The Grizzly, October 31, 2024
Beetlejuice Breakout: Grizzly Edition Spooky Scary STDs UC Theater Presents an Agatha Christie Double Bill! The Monsters are Due on Main Street Creating "Bullshit" Opinions: The Yap With Emily Veasey Nerf Club: A Merry...
Published by: Ursinus College
Giovanni Canestrini’s models of Leonardo da Vinci’s friction experiments
IM Hutchings
Feb 16, 2017
Among the exhibits at the 2016 Leonardo da Vinci exhibition at the Science Museum, London, was one that purported to illustrate Leonardo’s experiments on friction. The models involved were the work of Giovanni Canestrini...
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Program for the Stage Production of Two One-Act Plays: She Was Only a Farmer's Daughter & Aria Da Capo
Curtain Club
Jan 01, 0001
This two-page program details the Curtain Club of Ursinus College's production of two one-act plays, "She Was Only a Farmer's Daughter" and "Aria Da Capo", held March 19, 1966. It includes information about the casting and...
Published by: Ursinus College
Monitoring ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) in British forests using hyperspectral remote sensing
Abstract: Large‐scale dieback of ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus is posing an immense threat to forest health in Europe, requiring effective monitoring at large scales. In this study, a...
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Vortex coupling in trailing vortex-wing interactions
The interaction of trailing vortices of an upstream wing with rigid and flexible downstream wings has been investigated experimentally in a wind tunnel, using particle image velocimetry, hot-wire, force and deformation...
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Vortex coupling in trailing vortex-wing interactions
The interaction of trailing vortices of an upstream wing with rigid and flexible downstream wings has been investigated experimentally in a wind tunnel, using particle image velocimetry, hot-wire, force and deformation...
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Alumni Couple Establishes New Scholarships for Computer Science Majors
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Alumni Justin Pauley and his wife, Emily Stevenson Pauley, have created two scholarships: an endowment and an annual restricted scholarship. Justin, a computer science graduate, and Emily reside in Manhattan.
Published by: Winthrop University
Two Southern Women Writers: the Civil War Journals of Emily Jane Liles Harris and Mary Boykin Chesnut
Robert L. Wilson
Jan 01, 0001
Through the examination of primary texts, along with appropriate secondary criticism, I argue that Southern women during the Civil War were not the mythological "Southern Belle" that they have often been portrayed as, but that...
Published by: Winthrop University
Water: Place. Experience. In Literature, Visual & Performing Arts
Kelly Richardson, Emily Morgan and Laura Dougherty will engage in a ten-week collaborative project with theatre and dance students. Drawing from students in these two performance disciplines, we will, as a group, develop a site...
Published by: Winthrop University
PI parameter tuning of converters for sub-synchronous interactions existing in grid-connected DFIG wind turbines

As a clean energy, wind power has been extensively exploited in the past few years. However, oscillations in wind turbines, particularly those from controllers, could severely affect the stability of power systems. Therefore...

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Natural Progression of Left Ventricular Function following Anthracyclines without Cardioprotective Therapy
BACKGROUND: Anthracyclines form the backbone of many systemic chemotherapy regimens but are accompanied by dose-limiting cardiotoxicity. We elucidate the progression and severity of cardiac function over time, in the absence of...
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PI parameter tuning of converters for sub-synchronous interactions existing in grid-connected DFIG wind turbines

As a clean energy, wind power has been extensively exploited in the past few years. However, oscillations in wind turbines, particularly those from controllers, could severely affect the stability of power systems. Therefore...

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