This interview was conducted by Dr. George Garrison with Brother David Boone for his Emmett Scott High School history project. Emmett Scott High School was the segregated high school for African-Americans, which was named after...
Discussion as part of Nason, G. P., Powell, B., Elliott, D. and Smith, P. A. (2017), Should we sample a time series more frequently?: decision support via multirate spectrum estimation. J. R. Stat. Soc. A, 180: 353–407....
Discussion as part of Nason, G. P., Powell, B., Elliott, D. and Smith, P. A. (2017), Should we sample a time series more frequently?: decision support via multirate spectrum estimation. J. R. Stat. Soc. A, 180: 353–407....
National Library of Scotland, MS 23159.7 is a thirty-two line poem in the hand of David Hume (1711–76), the philosopher. The poem is conserved within a collection of manuscripts devised to the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1838...
Winthrop College students and faculty will celebrate the 91st birthday of Dr. David Bancroft Johnson, Winthrop College's founder. Dr. Johnson was president of Winthrop Training School for Teachers until his death in 1928.
The next round of the Innovate, Create, Engage (ICE) program's lecture series begins Monday, Feb. 22, with David Horth. Horth is a senior fellow and senior designer with the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North...
We examine how asymmetric information in financial markets affects voluntary research and development (R&D) disclosure, considering scientific publications as a disclosure channel. Difference-in-differences regressions...
We examine how asymmetric information in financial markets affects voluntary research and development (R&D) disclosure, considering scientific publications as a disclosure channel. Difference-in-differences regressions...
BACKGROUND: Although the use of clustering methods has rapidly become one of the standard computational approaches in the literature of microarray gene expression data analysis, little attention has been paid to uncertainty in...
This is an important, original, and deeply researched book. David Loewenstein's purpose is to explore the ways in which early modern English authors constructed the phenomena of heretics and heresies, and the profound religious...
In present-day Standard Dutch as spoken in the Netherlands, three main categories of pronunciation variants of Irl can be distinguished, namely alveolar /r/, uvular /r/, and approximant /r/. Approximant /r/, the focus of this...
David Meeler is only the second faculty member to hold this position in its 13 years of existence. Winthrop's environmental program crosses several disciplinary departments, something Meeler feels comfortable doing.
HIGHLIGHTS Fahrenthold broke some of the most talked-about stories of the presidential campaign in 2016, including pieces on the Trump foundation and the "Access Hollywood" video. He now covers the Trump family and its business...
Electronic word of mouth (EWoM) is similar to the standard word of mouth- the only difference is, the use of Internet as a base in EWoM. By understanding the personality antecedents of EWoM, the consumer buyer beahviour could be...
Membership of the European Union has devided British political parties for decades. On taking office David Cameron hoped to move his Conservative Party beyond the electorally rather unwelcome focus on ‘Europe’. By 2013 he felt...
Germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 (BRCA1/2) genes considerably increase breast and ovarian cancer risk. Given that tumors with these mutations have elevated genomic instability, they exhibit relative vulnerability to certain...
In present-day Standard Dutch as spoken in the Netherlands, three main categories of pronunciation variants of Irl can be distinguished, namely alveolar /r/, uvular /r/, and approximant /r/. Approximant /r/, the focus of this...
Map of Labrador showing communities relevant to theis issue of RLS and more recently established communities. Prepared by David Mercer, Library Assistant, Map Room, QEII Library, Memorial University.
The principles behind the interface to continuous domain spatial models in the R- INLA software package for R are described. The integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) approach proposed by Rue, Martino, and Chopin (2009)...