
Results: 1193
Gedenkwort von 1991 für Ludwig Landgrebe
Klaus Held
Apr 27, 2021
Nach dem Tod von Ludwig Landgrebe am 14. August 1991 fand eine Wochespäter in seinem Wohnort Bergisch-Gladbach (nahe der Stadt Köln, an derenUniversität er gelehrt hatte) am 22. August ein Trauergottesdienst statt. DieFamilie...
Gedenkwort von 1991 für Ludwig Landgrebe
Klaus Held
Apr 27, 2021
Nach dem Tod von Ludwig Landgrebe am 14. August 1991 fand eine Wochespäter in seinem Wohnort Bergisch-Gladbach (nahe der Stadt Köln, an derenUniversität er gelehrt hatte) am 22. August ein Trauergottesdienst statt. DieFamilie...
The Joshua Lederberg-John von Neumann Symposium: Toward Quantitative Biology
A coupled Particle-In-Cell (PIC)-Discrete Element Method (DEM) solver for fluid-solid mixture flow simulations
In this paper, a coupled Particle-In-Cell (PIC)-Discrete Element Method (DEM) model is developed for numerical simulations of complex fluid–solid mixture flows. The fluid–solid interaction part is solved using the hybrid...
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The Joshua Lederberg-John von Neumann Symposium: Toward Quantitative Biology
Elisabeth West, Tadean Page Win CSL President, VP Roles for 2016-17 School Year
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Elisabeth West is a political science major from Hartsville. Tadean Page is an elementary education major from Dillon.
Published by: Winthrop University
A coupled Particle-In-Cell (PIC)-Discrete Element Method (DEM) solver for fluid-solid mixture flow simulations
In this paper, a coupled Particle-In-Cell (PIC)-Discrete Element Method (DEM) model is developed for numerical simulations of complex fluid–solid mixture flows. The fluid–solid interaction part is solved using the hybrid...
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The EU, Environmental Law and Brexit
MW Gehring, F-K Phillips
May 26, 2017
Während der bevorstehende Brexit, also der Austritt des Vereinigten Königreiches aus der Europäischen Union, in den meisten anderen Rechtsgebieten eine große Herausforderung darstellt, wurden die Folgen des Brexit für das...
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Die Funktion von der Natur in ein paar berühmten Märchen von den Brüdern Grimm und in einigen Werken von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Alana Huynh
Jan 01, 0001
Three well-known authors from late 18th and early 19th-century Germany are the Brothers Grimm and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The Brothers Grimm are known for their collection of fairy tales, while Goethe is known for three...
Published by: Ursinus College
Uber die Superposition von kiinstlicher Parthenogenese und Samenbefruchtung in Demselben Ei
Jacques Loeb
Jan 01, 0001
Jacques Loeb. Uber die Superposition von kiinstlicher Parthenogenese und Samenbefruchtung in demselben Ei Reprinted from Arch. Entwcklngsmechn. Organ., 1907, xxiii, 479-486; Correction, xxiv, 184
Published by: Rockefeller University
Isobel Maddison
Nov 05, 2018
When Elizabeth von Arnim's novel 'Introduction to Sally' appeared in 1926, the critical response was divided. Dame Ethel Smyth may have told von Arnim the book was her 'masterpiece' but some were less convinced; the reviewer in...
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Chemical oxidation of dissolved organic matter by chlorine dioxide, chlorine, and ozone

In water treatment dissolved organic matter (DOM) is typically the major sink for chemical oxidants. The resulting changes in DOM, such as its optical properties have been measured to follow the oxidation processes. However...

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Chemical oxidation of dissolved organic matter by chlorine dioxide, chlorine, and ozone

In water treatment dissolved organic matter (DOM) is typically the major sink for chemical oxidants. The resulting changes in DOM, such as its optical properties have been measured to follow the oxidation processes. However...

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Hans Asperger: Held oder Bösewicht
Sarah Wonsidler
Jan 01, 0001
Hans Asperger war ein österreichischer Kinderarzt, Professor, und medizinischer Theoretiker bekannt für seinen Forschung über Autismus in Kindern. W?hrend des Zweiten Welt Kriegs und des Aufstiegs des Nationalsozialisus in Wien...
Published by: Ursinus College
Two-step Procedure Based on the Least Squares and Instrumental Variable Methods for Simultaneous Estimation of von Bertalanffy Growth Parameters
Advanced in the present article is a Two-step procedure designed on the methods of the least squares (LS) and instrumental variable (IV) techniques for simultaneous estimation of the three unknown parameters L∞, K and t0, which...








