
Results: 282
Digital Humanities
Enrique Wulff
Jul 01, 2024
The National Library of Spain (NLS, Biblioteca Nacional de España [BNE]) for the target audience of digital humanities (DH), within the last two decades, has taken up major challenges to be into line with other main national...
Doing and undoing gender in innovation
Lara Pecis
Nov 01, 2016
Despite the rising interest in the intertwining of individuals, organisations and institutions in innovation research, scant attention has been paid to the ways that their relations produce and reproduce specific gender dynamics...
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Doing and undoing gender in innovation
Lara Pecis
Nov 01, 2016
Despite the rising interest in the intertwining of individuals, organisations and institutions in innovation research, scant attention has been paid to the ways that their relations produce and reproduce specific gender dynamics...
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Attending to the bodily self
Lara Maister, Harry Farmer
Oct 01, 2016

Humphreys and Sui provide a powerful theoretical framework to explain processing biases toward self-related information. However, the framework is primarily applied to information relevant to a conceptual self-representation....

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Environmental Disclosure as a Tool for Public Sector Legitimacy
The purpose of this study is to measure the extent of Twitter environmental reporting by Andalusian municipalities (Spain) and identify the determinant factors of such a disclosure. Thus, factors such as population, geolocation...
Attending to the bodily self
Lara Maister, Harry Farmer
Oct 01, 2016

Humphreys and Sui provide a powerful theoretical framework to explain processing biases toward self-related information. However, the framework is primarily applied to information relevant to a conceptual self-representation....

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Multiomics data integration to reveal chromatin remodeling and reorganization induced by gene mutational synergy.
Recurrent gene mutations often cooperate in a predefined stepwise and synergistic manner to alter global transcription, through directly or indirectly remodeling epigenetic landscape on linear and three-dimensional (3D) scales....
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Ultraflat Gold QCM Electrodes Fabricated with Pressure-Forming Template Stripping for Protein Studies at the Nanoscale.
Single-molecule imaging of proteins using atomic force microscopy (AFM) is crucially dependent on protein attachment to ultraflat substrates. The template-stripping (TS) technique, which can be used to create large areas of...
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Tissue tectonics and the multi-scale regulation of developmental timing.
Development encompasses processes that occur at multiple length scales, including gene-regulatory interactions, cell movements and reorganization, cell signalling and growth. It is essential that the timing of events in all of...
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Achievement and behaviour in undergraduate mathematics
We investigated two factors that predict students' achievement and behaviour in undergraduate mathematics: gender and personality. We found that gender predicted students' achievement and behaviour when considered in isolation...
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Changing Digital Age in the Wake of COVID-19
Virtual teams play a crucial role in today’s knowledge-based organisation for overcoming challenges in our dynamic world, especially in the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Teams play a key role in today’s...
An Interoperable Framework for Computational Models of Emotion
Computational models of emotion (CMEs) are software systems designed to emulate specific aspects of the human emotions process. The underlying components of CMEs interact with cognitive components of cognitive agent...
Amber in prehistoric Iberia
Provenancing exotic raw materials and reconstructing the nature and routes of exchange is a major concern of prehistoric archaeology. Amber has long been recognised as a key commodity of prehistoric exchange networks in Europe....
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Optimization of Transistor Characteristics and Charge Transport in Solution Processed ZnO Thin Films Grown from Zinc Neodecanoate
Abstract Solution processing of metal oxide-based semiconductors is an attractive route for low-cost fabrication of thin films devices. ZnO thin films...
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Achievement and behaviour in undergraduate mathematics
We investigated two factors that predict students' achievement and behaviour in undergraduate mathematics: gender and personality. We found that gender predicted students' achievement and behaviour when considered in isolation...
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Expert views - and disagreements - about the potential of energy technology R&D
Mitigating climate change will require innovation in energy technologies. Policy makers are faced with the question of how to promote this innovation, and whether to focus on a few technologies or to spread their bets. We...
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Quantitative Experimental Embryology
Experimental Embryology is often referred to as a classical approach of developmental biology that has been to some extent replaced by the introduction of molecular biology and genetic techniques to the field. Inspired by the...
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