
Results: 211
Das Wesen der Entwicklungserregung des Tierischen Eies
Jacques Loeb
Jan 01, 0001
Jacques Loeb. Das Wesen der Entwicklungserregung des tierischen Eies Reprinted from Z. Physik. Chetn., vol. LXX (1909): 220-229
Published by: Rockefeller University
The Transformation of the Lives of Others
EH Wickerson
May 29, 2017
This article reads von Donnersmarck’s film $\textbf{Das Leben der Anderen}$ in the light of Kafka’s story $\textbf{Die Verwandlung}$, suggesting that the works bear a striking and as yet unnoticed similarity on the level of...
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The EU, Environmental Law and Brexit
MW Gehring, F-K Phillips
May 26, 2017
Während der bevorstehende Brexit, also der Austritt des Vereinigten Königreiches aus der Europäischen Union, in den meisten anderen Rechtsgebieten eine große Herausforderung darstellt, wurden die Folgen des Brexit für das...
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Identification and prediction of novel classes of long-term disease trajectories for patients with juvenile dermatomyositis using growth mixture models

OBJECTIVES: Uncertainty around clinical heterogeneity and outcomes for patients with JDM represents a major burden of disease and a challenge for clinical management. We sought to identify novel classes of patients having...

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Identification and prediction of novel classes of long-term disease trajectories for patients with juvenile dermatomyositis using growth mixture models

OBJECTIVES: Uncertainty around clinical heterogeneity and outcomes for patients with JDM represents a major burden of disease and a challenge for clinical management. We sought to identify novel classes of patients having...

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Naturally Occurring Calanolides
Calanolides are tetracyclic 4-substituted dipyranocoumarins. Calanolide A, isolated from the leaves and twigs of Calophyllum lanigerum var. austrocoriaceum (Whitmore) P. F. Stevens, is the first member of this group of compounds...
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Light-triggered syneresis of a water insoluble peptide-hydrogel effectively removes small molecule waste contaminants.
A short peptide based hydrogel exhibits aqueous insolubility, thixotropy and efficient light induced syneresis. Upon irradiation with UV light, the hydrogel shrinks and expells ∼50% of the solvent. Syneresis is caused by...
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'Peter and the Wolf'' Story Told with Puppets
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Founded in 1974, Das Puppenspiel Puppet Theatre is a professional touring company that offers award-winning productions featuring exquisitely designed mask, mime, marionette and bunraku-style puppetry. The tale involves...
Published by: Winthrop University
Examining the Impact of Regulation on Equity Multi-Cap Funds in India
Dr. Samyabrata Das
Jun 30, 2022
Economic growth is facilitated by a sound financial system. “Mutual funds are one of the main sources of capital flows to emerging economies”. “The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the highly powerful capital...
Published by: Singh Publication
Gedenkwort von 1991 für Ludwig Landgrebe
Klaus Held
Apr 27, 2021
Nach dem Tod von Ludwig Landgrebe am 14. August 1991 fand eine Wochespäter in seinem Wohnort Bergisch-Gladbach (nahe der Stadt Köln, an derenUniversität er gelehrt hatte) am 22. August ein Trauergottesdienst statt. DieFamilie...
Sustainability Through Total Factor Productivity Growth in Agriculture Incorporating Institutional Factors
Ramesh Das
Jan 01, 2023
With the increasing population pressure and food insecurity problem in India, and the problem of unsustainable social and economic systems, it was inevitable to shift away the focus of agricultural activities from the...
Evaluation of NeuroPage as a memory aid for people with multiple sclerosis
Memory problems are reported in 40%-60% of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). These problems affect independence and may limit the ability to benefit from rehabilitation. Our aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of NeuroPage...
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