
Results: 135
Distinct features of dendritic cells and anti-Ig activated B cells as stimulators of the primary mixed leukocyte reaction
Highly enriched populations of B lymphoblasts have been isolated after culture with anti-Ig-Sepharose and compared with dendritic cells as stimulators of CD4+ T cells in the murine MLR. The two populations clearly differed in...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Folding pathway of an Ig domain is conserved on and off the ribosome.
Proteins that fold cotranslationally may do so in a restricted configurational space, due to the volume occupied by the ribosome. How does this environment, coupled with the close proximity of the ribosome, affect the folding...
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Anti-D monoclonal antibodies from 23 human and rodent cell lines display diverse IgG Fc-glycosylation profiles that determine their clinical efficacy.
Anti-D immunoglobulin (Anti-D Ig) prophylaxis prevents haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn. Monoclonal IgG anti-Ds (mAb-Ds) would enable unlimited supplies but have differed in efficacy in FcγRIIIa-mediated ADCC assays...
Published by: Scientific reports
IGDB-2, an IG/FNIII Protein, Binds the ION Channel LGC-34 and Controls Sensory Compartment Morphogenesis in C. Elegans
Wendy Wang
Jan 01, 0001
Sensory organ glia surround neuronal receptive endings (NREs), forming a specialized extracellular space, or compartment, important for neuronal activity, and reminiscent of glia-ensheathed synapses in the central nervous...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Efficient loading of identical viral peptide onto class II molecules by antigenized immunoglobulin and influenza virus
Several prior reports have identified peptides that are naturally associated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules on presenting cells. We have examined the delivery of a peptide from exogenous sources...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Role of AID and microRNA-155 in c-myc-IgH Translocations
Yair Dorsett
Jan 01, 0001
Chromosome translocations between oncogenes and the immunoglobulin (Ig) region spanning the variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J) genes (Ig V-JH region) are found in a number of mature B cell lymphomas in humans and mice....
Published by: Rockefeller University
Isolating residents including wandering residents in care and group homes
This article investigates the lawfulness of isolating residents of care and group homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many residents are mobile, and their freedom to move is a central ethical tenet and human right. It is not...
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The future of image-guided radiotherapy-is image everything?
MR-based image-guided (IG) radiotherapy via all-in-one MR treatment units (MR-linacs) is one of the hottest topics in contemporary radiotherapy research. From ingenious engineering solutions to complex physical problems...
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Treml4, an Ig superfamily member, mediates presentation of several antigens to T cells in vivo, including protective immunity to HER2 protein
Members of the triggering expressed on myeloid cells (Trem) receptor family fine-tune inflammatory responses. We previously identified one of these receptors, called Treml4, expressed mainly in the spleen, as well as at high...
Published by: Rockefeller University
A Context-Independent Ontological Linked Data Alignment Approach to Instance Matching
Linking data by finding matching instances in different datasets requires considering many characteristics, such as structural heterogeneity, implicit knowledge, and URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)-oriented identification. The...
HERWIG 6.5 Release Note
A new release of the Monte Carlo program HERWIG (version 6.5) is now available. The main new features are: support for the Les Houches interface to matrix element generators; additional SM and MSSM Higgs processes in...








