
Results: 6441
De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
De rien
M Crowley
Sep 01, 2017
En principe, le seul matérialisme conséquent serait celui qui saurait se libérer de toute idée régulatrice. De toute fin, comme de toute origine. En principe, du moins. Sans doute ne sort-on pas si aisément de ces vieux...
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Desgarraduras del cuerpo y degolladuras de la voz
B Epps
Aug 24, 2017
El mismo mar de todos los veranos de Esther Tusquets narra la tormentosa relación erótica y emocional de una mujer de la alta burguesía catalana, casada y desencantada, que ejerce de profesora de literatura, con una joven...
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Grey wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogs.
The grey wolf (Canis lupus) was the first species to give rise to a domestic population, and they remained widespread throughout the last Ice Age when many other large mammal species went extinct. Little is known, however, about...
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Direct age constraints on the magnetism of Jack Hills zircon.
A potential record of Earth's magnetic field going back 4.2 billion years (Ga) ago is carried by magnetite inclusions in zircon grains from the Jack Hills. This magnetite may be secondary in nature, however, meaning that the...
Published by: Science advances
Grey wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogs.
The grey wolf (Canis lupus) was the first species to give rise to a domestic population, and they remained widespread throughout the last Ice Age when many other large mammal species went extinct. Little is known, however, about...
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Optimization Method of College Students' Entrepreneurial Path Based on Improved Multi-Objective Gray Wolf Algorithm
Baorong Qiu
Jan 01, 2024
The traditional entrepreneurial resource decision-making model that relies on empirical decision-making or simple template matching is difficult to adapt to the current complex social environment. Therefore, the multi-objective...
The Ursinus College Investment Management Company Newsletter, Fall 2023
Inside this issue: At a Glance Letter from Kaela Frenchman '24 and Olivia DeFusco '24 Letter from Jack Thompson '24 Honoring Dr. Scott Deacle and Investment Team Updates UCIMCO Investment Performance and Analysis Endowment...
Published by: Ursinus College
'Peter and the Wolf'' Story Told with Puppets
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Founded in 1974, Das Puppenspiel Puppet Theatre is a professional touring company that offers award-winning productions featuring exquisitely designed mask, mime, marionette and bunraku-style puppetry. The tale involves...
Published by: Winthrop University
Identification and Characterization of Mlp1p and Mlp2p : Molecular Components of Filaments Localized at the Interface between the Nuclear Pore Complex and Nuclear Interior
In eukaryotic cells the segregation of the genome in a closed organelle requires an efficient mechanism to ensure the constant exchange of material between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) provide the...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Adaptive-Sunflower-Based Grey Wolf Algorithm for Multipath Routing in IoT Networks
This paper devises a routing method for providing multipath routing in an IoT network. Here the fractional artificial bee colony(FABC) algorithm is devised for initiating the clustering process. Moreover, the multipath routing...
Intolerancia en Tiempos de Crisis: Hacia una Literatura Transgresora en El sitio de los sitios de Juan Goytisolo
Oscar Ivan Useche
Jan 01, 0001
Este artículo propone entender la novela de Goytisolo como una respuesta cultural a la crisis de los modelos de racionalidad occidental. Se estudian las dinámicas de descomposición social de la globalización y la aparición...
Published by: Ursinus College
Author and Illustrator Matthew Cordell '97 Wins Caldecott Award for "Wolf in the Snow"
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Quick Facts Since 1937, the Caldecott Medal has recognized the year's most distinguished American picture book for children "Wolf in the Snow," which also won a 2017 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award, is a wordless picture book about...
Published by: Winthrop University
Software Vulnerability Prediction Using Grey Wolf-Optimized Random Forest on the Unbalanced Data Sets
Wasiur Rhmann
Jan 01, 2022
Any vulnerability in the software creates a software security threat and helps hackers to gain unauthorized access to resources. Vulnerability prediction models help software engineers to effectively allocate their resources to...
The Very Efficient Assessment of Need for Cognition
The need for cognition refers to people’s tendency to engage in and enjoy thinking and has become influential across social and medical sciences. Using three samples from the USA and the UK (N = 1,596), we introduce a 6-item...
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Augmented Hill-Climb increases reinforcement learning efficiency for language-based de novo molecule generation.
A plethora of AI-based techniques now exists to conduct de novo molecule generation that can devise molecules conditioned towards a particular endpoint in the context of drug design. One popular approach is using reinforcement...
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Determinantes de la movilidad ocupacional segmentada de los inmigrantes no comunitarios en España
La literatura sobre la integración económica de los inmigrantes ha destacado la existencia de un patrón de movilidad en forma de «U». En este artículo discutimos esta argumentación partiendo de las teorías de la segmentación del...
Published by: Winthrop University
Le Diable dans la bibliothèque
Dans Thinking with Demons (1997), Stuart Clark a montré que la démonologie, cette composante essentielle de la pensée de la première modernité, n’était pas une affaire de spécialistes: ‘penser avec le diable’ était une activité...
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The Very Efficient Assessment of Need for Cognition
The need for cognition refers to people’s tendency to engage in and enjoy thinking and has become influential across social and medical sciences. Using three samples from the USA and the UK (N = 1,596), we introduce a 6-item...
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L’intériorité pathique des mots
Cesare Del Mastro
Dec 20, 2016
Si la phénoménologie de Michel Henry renvoie l’humain à son ancrage dans la vieauto-affective, comment aborder dans un tel cadre philosophique deux des traitspropres au vivant humain, à savoir le langage et la création...
M Candea
Apr 01, 2016
La démarche classique en anthropologie, qui consiste à lire ses données de terrain à travers le prisme de l’opposition entre un groupe humain déterminé et l’« Occident », est depuis longtemps la cible d’une critique vigoureuse...
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