
Results: 484
Testing Kerr black hole mimickers with quasi-periodic oscillations from GRO J1655-40
Abstract: The measurements of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) provide a quite powerful tool to test the nature of astrophysical black hole candidates in the strong gravitational field regime. In this paper, we use QPOs within...
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Hidden Spectral Symmetries and Mode Stability of Subextremal Kerr(-de Sitter) Black Holes
Abstract: We uncover hidden spectral symmetries of the Teukolsky equation in Kerr(-de Sitter) black holes, recently conjectured by Aminov, Grassi and Hatsuda (Ann. Henri Poincaré 23, 1951-1977, 2022, and Gen. Relativ. Grav....
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Raman solitons in waveguides with simultaneous quadratic and Kerr nonlinearities
We analyze Raman-induced self-frequency shift in two-component solitons supported by both quadratic and cubic nonlinearities. Treating Raman terms as a perturbation, we derive expressions for soliton velocity and frequency...
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Testing Kerr black hole mimickers with quasi-periodic oscillations from GRO J1655-40
Abstract: The measurements of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) provide a quite powerful tool to test the nature of astrophysical black hole candidates in the strong gravitational field regime. In this paper, we use QPOs within...
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Threshold of complexity and Arnold tongues in Kerr-ring microresonators
We show that the threshold condition for two pump photons to convert into a pair of the sideband ones in Kerr microresonators with high-quality factors breaks the pump laser parameter space into a sequence of narrow in frequency...
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Testing Kerr black hole mimickers with quasi-periodic oscillations from GRO J1655-40
X Jiang, P Wang, H Yang, H Wu
Jan 10, 2022
AbstractThe measurements of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) provide a quite powerful tool to test the nature of astrophysical black hole candidates in the strong gravitational field regime. In...
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The Kijowski–Liu–Yau quasi-local mass of the Kerr black hole horizon
M Dunajski, P Tod
Oct 28, 2021
We use the isometric embedding of the spatial horizon of fast rotating Kerr black hole in a hyperbolic space to compute the quasi-local mass of the horizon for any value of the spin parameter $j=J/m^2$. The mass is...
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Testing Kerr black hole mimickers with quasi-periodic oscillations from GRO J1655-40
X Jiang, P Wang, H Yang, H Wu
Dec 15, 2021
AbstractThe measurements of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) provide a quite powerful tool to test the nature of astrophysical black hole candidates in the strong gravitational field regime. In...
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The Kijowski–Liu–Yau quasi-local mass of the Kerr black hole horizon * * Dedicated to Gary Gibbons on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
Maciej Dunajski, Paul Tod
Oct 28, 2021
Abstract: We use an isometric embedding of the cross-over surface of the outer horizon of a rapidly rotating Kerr black hole in a hyperbolic space to compute the quasi-local mass of the horizon for any allowed value of the spin...
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Mode Stability for the Teukolsky Equation on Extremal and Subextremal Kerr Spacetimes
Rita Teixeira da Costa
Jul 17, 2020
Abstract: We prove that there are no exponentially growing modes nor modes on the real axis for the Teukolsky equation on Kerr black hole spacetimes, both in the extremal and subextremal case. We also give a quantitative...
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Testing Kerr black hole mimickers with quasi-periodic oscillations from GRO J1655-40
Abstract: The measurements of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) provide a quite powerful tool to test the nature of astrophysical black hole candidates in the strong gravitational field regime. In this paper, we use QPOs within...
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Raman solitons in waveguides with simultaneous quadratic and Kerr nonlinearities
We analyze Raman-induced self-frequency shift in two-component solitons supported by both quadratic and cubic nonlinearities. Treating Raman terms as a perturbation, we derive expressions for soliton velocity and frequency...
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Mode Stability for the Teukolsky Equation on Extremal and Subextremal Kerr Spacetimes
Rita Teixeira da Costa
Jul 28, 2021
Abstract: We prove that there are no exponentially growing modes nor modes on the real axis for the Teukolsky equation on Kerr black hole spacetimes, both in the extremal and subextremal case. We also give a quantitative...
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Threshold of complexity and Arnold tongues in Kerr-ring microresonators
We show that the threshold condition for two pump photons to convert into a pair of the sideband ones in Kerr microresonators with high-quality factors breaks the pump laser parameter space into a sequence of narrow in frequency...
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Eigenvalue repulsions and quasinormal mode spectra of Kerr-Newman
ÓJC Dias, M Godazgar, JE Santos
Jul 14, 2022
The frequency spectra of the gravito-electromagnetic perturbations of the Kerr-Newman (KN) black hole with the slowest decay rate have been computed recently. It has been found that KN has two families $-$ the photon sphere...
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Changes in perceived scientific consensus shift beliefs about climate change and GM food safety.
Despite an overwhelming scientific consensus, a sizable minority of people doubt that human activity is causing climate change. Communicating the existence of a scientific consensus has been suggested as a way to correct...
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Pharmacological Preconditioning with GYKI 52466
Some toxins and drugs can trigger lasting neuroprotective mechanisms that enable neurons to resist a subsequent severe insult. This "pharmacological preconditioning" has far-reaching implications for conditions in which blood...
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The Ursinus Weekly, December 10, 1917
Sophomore eleven defeats freshmen "The Merchant of Venice" Ursinus quintet loses to Penn Review of the 1917 football season Christian associations Vesper services Literary societies College directory On the campus ...
Published by: Ursinus College
Soliton-plasmon resonances as Maxwell nonlinear bound states
We demonstrate that soliplasmons (soliton–plasmon bound states) appear naturally as eigenmodes of nonlinear Maxwell’s equations for a metal/Kerr interface. Conservative stability analysis is performed by means of finite element...
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Diophantine approximation as Cosmic Censor for Kerr–AdS black holes
Christoph Kehle
Feb 22, 2022
AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to show an unexpected connection between Diophantine approximation and the behavior of waves on black hole interiors with negative cosmological constant...
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