
Results: 278
Functional architecture of reward learning in mushroom body extrinsic neurons of larval Drosophila.
The brain adaptively integrates present sensory input, past experience, and options for future action. The insect mushroom body exemplifies how a central brain structure brings about such integration. Here we use a combination...
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Host Plant Resistance and Pest Control: A Test of the Movement Risk Hypothesis
The potato leafhopper is a major pest of alfalfa. To control this pest, farmers traditionally use pesticides that can be costly and damaging to the environment. Intercropping, in which non-host plants are incorporated into the...
Published by: Ursinus College
Impact of Open Access on Library Collections and Collection Development Services
The growth of open access (OA) journals has been rapid and substantial. While still not the predominant form of journal publishing, OA journals of varying types have impacted the scholarly communication ecosystem in a profound...
Meal Timing, Aging, and Metabolic Health.
A growing body of evidence suggests that meal timing is an important factor for metabolic regulation and that the circadian clock tightly interacts with metabolic functions. The proper functioning of the circadian clock is...
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Unconventional forms of inheritance.
Katharina Gapp
Mar 05, 2020
The discourse on hard (mendelian) versus more unconventional “soft” forms of inheritance has been blazing for long.
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Constructing alignment for sustainable careers
While prior literature identifies a person's alignment of their career with the interests of their employing organization as a source of career sustainability, we still know little about how individuals construe such alignment....
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The transition to parenthood following a history of childhood maltreatment
Background: Becoming a parent is viewed as one of the most important transitions in one’s life. However, a history of childhood maltreatment may affect the adjustment to parenthood.

Objective: The objective of this...
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The transition to parenthood following a history of childhood maltreatment
Background: Becoming a parent is viewed as one of the most important transitions in one’s life. However, a history of childhood maltreatment may affect the adjustment to parenthood.

Objective: The objective of this...
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Living labs (LLs) are becoming an increasingly popular approach to engage in open innovation. Although applications and influence of LLs have grown rapidly over the last decade, the landscape of LL research remains...
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Creativity is a skill that everyone has’
This paper discusses the research use of creative workers’ publicly available self-presentations such as documentaries or social media posts. In so doing it contributes to our understanding of how creative workers might...
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