This paper explores the sexual politics present in Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew, examining the gender roles that influence the relationship between Katherine and Petruccio. By analyzing Petruccio's attempts at taming...
This article tells the story of an eighteenth-century medical pamphlet called An essay on the nature and cure of the King's Evil, deduced from observation and practice. This was written by John Morley (d. 1776/7), a wealthy...
"Things My Mother Taught Me," by Katherine DiSavino, tells the story of the duo, moving in together halfway across the country from their parents. The production runs Wednesday, Sept. 28 through Saturday, Oct. 1 at 8 p.m. and...
This chapter presents a case study of how an academic library supports Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) employees with funding so these workers can find counterspaces (spaces where they can feel safe in community...
Wendy Adams of Rock Hill was selected as the Master of Social Work Student of the Year, while Katherine "Katie" Zanowski of Neptune, N.J., was picked as the Bachelor of Social Work Student of the Year. The two received their...
The honored students were Brittany Boswell, Amy Giebel and Katherine Ware. The CindyMackie Foundation was established in honor of Assistant Professor of English Cynthia Furr and her young daughter Mackie.
Writing an argument is an essential skill for doctoral students in achieving academic and occupational success. Writing an argument effectively requires the ability to use correct writing mechanics, but doctoral students may...
The Jungian personality framework (JPF) was developed by Katherine Briggs and Isabelle Myer Brigg and is based on the pioneering work of the eminent Swiss psychiatrist/psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Jung observed that no matter what...
The aim of this article is to assess the use of a group based project for an empirical finance type of course. It examines the outline of the project, the methodology the students are encouraged to follow and how the course is...
Abstract: Trust may be important in shaping public attitudes to genetics and intentions to participate in genomics research and big data initiatives. As such, we examined trust in data sharing among the general public. A...
Winthrop College Alumnae Association Eastern District consisted of the counties of Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Marion, Marlboro, and Williamsburg. Meeting place on October 26 was First Baptist Church...
The aim of this study is to determine whether environmental taxes affect levels of pollution and energy consumption. Using a panel of European Union (EU) members and Norway, there is a significant negative relationship between...
We examined the factors affecting the outcome of cricket matches played in the English one-day county cricket league. In particular, we focused on the home-field effect and the importance of winning the pre-match toss of a coin...
One of the most important policy considerations currently for all governments across the EU concerns the need to increase tax revenue so as to reduce their unsustainable budget deficits. One key policy involves reducing the...
Legendary Ursinus Professor Remembered Q&A with Lantern Editor Three Students Make Their Voices Heard Speaker Combines Focus on Jewish History and Jewish Humor Senior Spotlight: Biology and Neuroscience Double Major...
Winthrop College Alumnae Association North Central District consisted of the counties of Chester, Chesterfield, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lancaster, and York in South Carolina and Charlotte, Gastonia, Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and...
The aim of this study is to determine whether environmental taxes affect levels of pollution and energy consumption. Using a panel of European Union (EU) members and Norway, there is a significant negative relationship between...
The aim of this article is to assess the use of a group based project for an empirical finance type of course. It examines the outline of the project, the methodology the students are encouraged to follow and how the course is...
Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a classical autoimmune liver disease for which effective immunomodulatory therapy is lacking. Here we perform meta-analyses of discovery data sets from genome-wide association studies of...
The aim of this study is to determine the main factors affecting sovereign credit default swap (CDS) spreads, with particular emphasis on the relationship between the credit rating scores and the CDS spreads. Other macroeconomic...