Leslie Bickford will begin this fall working with the current director, Jennifer Disney, and transition to become the sole director in the spring. Gloria Jones, dean of University College, which houses the Office of Nationally...
The lecture will be in Whitton Auditorium, located within Vivian Moore Carroll Hall. It is a free cultural event and is open to the public. The evolution of racism in America's schools is the focus of Winthrop University's 13th...
Toshia Shaw's talk will be at 7 p.m. on April 19 in Dina's Place. It is a free cultural event. This is the 15h installment of the Dorothy Perry Thompson Colloquium.
Results of Carnegies prove very interesting Varsity stickmen score first victory of season Dr. MacFarland addresses students at chapel service Men's student council elected for next year Lehigh Valley alumni hold annual...
New York Times sportswriter William C. Rhoden is keynote speaker for the ninth annual Dorothy Perry Thompson Colloquium April 12. The colloquium honors late English professor Dorothy Perry Thompson.
UNC-Chapel Hill's Trudier Harris will be the speaker for the fifth annual Dorothy Perry Thompson Colloquium in African-American Studies and the African-American Experience.
Professors Leave on Sabbatical New Record Breaker Theme is Photograph McNamara Displays Hoop Skill Letter to a Confused Freshman Ursinus Welcomes New Dean Letters to the Editor Opinion: Campus Crime has got to Stop! It...
Crime Comes to Collegeville: Attempted Assault on Main Street New Advising System for Freshmen Students Union Program Board Projects VCR Movies McNamara to Speak at Ursinus Gym What? More New Faculty? Speech Exemption Exam...
Robert Bullard, Ware Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Clark Atlanta University, will speak at the sixth annual Dorothy Perry Thompson Colloquium. Bullard also serves as director of the Environmental Justice Resource...
HIGHLIGHTS The talk begins at 7 p.m. on April 2 in Dina's Place. It is free and open to the public. The annual colloquium honors the late English Professor Dorothy Perry Thompson, the founder of Winthrop's African American...
It is paramount that any child or adolescent with a suspected difference or disorder of sex development (DSD) is assessed by an experienced clinician with adequate knowledge about the range of conditions associated with DSD and...
INTRODUCTION: Post-haemorrhagic hydrocephalus is common amongst premature infants and one of the leading indications for paediatric cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion. Permanent CSF diversion is often delayed until the infant...
BACKGROUND: Research efforts have been focused on limiting secondary injury after traumatic spinal cord injury by performing spinal decompression and early optimization of spinal cord perfusion. The Winnipeg Intraspinal Pressure...
We construct novel black strings that are neither time-translation invariant, nor axisymmetric, nor translationally invariant in the string direction, but nevertheless have a helical Killing vector field. These solutions branch...
Quick Facts
Barkley's essay drawing from her journal, "Lemonade from Lemons: the Ethics of Suffering, Oppression, and Newfound Privilege," just won an honorable mention from the Elie Wiesel Foundation Prize in Ethics Essay...
HIGHLIGHTS SCAHPERD noted that the program "has provided a consistent tradition in preparing physical education teachers" and "provided innumerable quality teachers" in the field. Two Winthrop alumni in the field were...
HIGHLIGHTS Perry, editor of the Carolina Forest Chronicle and the North Strand News, received a bachelor's degree in mass communication from Winthrop. In presenting him with the Journalist of the Year Award this past April...
This chapter begins with an exploration of important terms, processes, and theories that contribute to an understanding of the roles that perception, mental models, media consumption, experts, and language play in the...
This multi-phased research examined media portrayals of youth in foster care (YFC) and how those portrayals influence public perception. The first phase found that the Los Angeles public negatively perceives media portrayals and...
AbstractWe investigate the effect of superradiant scattering of gravitational perturbations on the stability of rotating black strings, focusing on the...