
Results: 16833
Millikelvin de Haas–van Alphen and magnetotransport studies of graphite
Recent studies of the electronic properties of graphite have produced conflicting results regarding the positions of the different carrier types within the Brillouin zone, and the possible presence of Dirac fermions. In this...
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Interview with Paul Van Buren Hatten - VHP 001
Paul Van Buren Hatten
Jan 01, 0001
In his January 19, 2004 interview with Lee Q. Miller, Paul Van Buren Hatten explains how he entered the service during WWII and became a ball gunner for the Air Force. Hatten recalls basic training, his first mission, and the...
Published by: Winthrop University
Millikelvin de Haas–van Alphen and magnetotransport studies of graphite
Recent studies of the electronic properties of graphite have produced conflicting results regarding the positions of the different carrier types within the Brillouin zone, and the possible presence of Dirac fermions. In this...
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Desgarraduras del cuerpo y degolladuras de la voz
B Epps
Aug 24, 2017
El mismo mar de todos los veranos de Esther Tusquets narra la tormentosa relación erótica y emocional de una mujer de la alta burguesía catalana, casada y desencantada, que ejerce de profesora de literatura, con una joven...
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Heterostructures formed through abraded van der Waals materials
Abstract: To fully exploit van der Waals materials and their vertically stacked heterostructures, new mass-scalable production routes which are low cost but preserve the high electronic and optical quality of the single crystals...
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Heterostructures formed through abraded van der Waals materials.
To fully exploit van der Waals materials and their vertically stacked heterostructures, new mass-scalable production routes which are low cost but preserve the high electronic and optical quality of the single crystals are...
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Heterostructures formed through abraded van der Waals materials
Abstract: To fully exploit van der Waals materials and their vertically stacked heterostructures, new mass-scalable production routes which are low cost but preserve the high electronic and optical quality of the single crystals...
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Determinantes de la movilidad ocupacional segmentada de los inmigrantes no comunitarios en España
La literatura sobre la integración económica de los inmigrantes ha destacado la existencia de un patrón de movilidad en forma de «U». En este artículo discutimos esta argumentación partiendo de las teorías de la segmentación del...
Published by: Winthrop University
Modeling Coupled Binuclear Copper Enzymes With de Novo Designed Due Ferri Single-Chain Protein Variants
Brian Van Dyke
Jan 01, 0001
Coupled binuclear copper proteins (CBCs) such as hemocyanins, catechol oxidases, and tyrosinases utilize dioxygen for storage, oxidase, and monoxygenase behavior, respectively. However, all three protein families have a common...
Published by: Ursinus College
Donald D. Van Slyke, 1916
Dr. Donald D. Van Slyke. The Present Significance of the Amino-Acids in Physiology and Pathology Lecture delivered January 15th, 1916
Published by: J.B. Lippincott Company
De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
De rien
M Crowley
Sep 01, 2017
En principe, le seul matérialisme conséquent serait celui qui saurait se libérer de toute idée régulatrice. De toute fin, comme de toute origine. En principe, du moins. Sans doute ne sort-on pas si aisément de ces vieux...
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Copper Binding and Reactivity of de novo Designed Due Ferri Single Chain (DFsc) Protein Variants
Brian Van Dyke
Jan 01, 0001
Binuclear, copper enzymes such as tyrosinase and catechol oxidase are involved meleninization and sclerotization processes. Understanding the kinetics of the polyphenol oxidation activity in these enzymes is crucial in...
Published by: Ursinus College
De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
Defect passivation of transition metal dichalcogenides via a charge transfer van der Waals interface.
Integration of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) into next-generation semiconductor platforms has been limited due to a lack of effective passivation techniques for defects in TMDs. The formation of an organic-inorganic...
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Molecular Characterization of Mammalian De Novo DNA Methyltransferase Chromatin Recruitment
Daniel N Weinberg
Jan 01, 0001
Precise deposition of CpG methylation is critical for mammalian development and tissue homeostasis and is often dysregulated in human diseases. The genomic localization of de novo DNA methyltransferases 3A (DNMT3A) and 3B...
Published by: Rockefeller University
Modified MRI Anonymization (De-Facing) for Improved MEG Coregistration.
Localising the sources of MEG/EEG signals often requires a structural MRI to create a head model, while ensuring reproducible scientific results requires sharing data and code. However, sharing structural MRI data often requires...
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Cindy Van Buren Appointed to Winthrop Board of Trustees
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Van Buren's appointment is effective immediately, and the Prosperity resident will join the Board of Trustees at its next meeting on Aug. 25. She has worked at the S.C. State Department of Education since April 2013 and is...
Published by: Winthrop University
Intolerancia en Tiempos de Crisis: Hacia una Literatura Transgresora en El sitio de los sitios de Juan Goytisolo
Oscar Ivan Useche
Jan 01, 0001
Este artículo propone entender la novela de Goytisolo como una respuesta cultural a la crisis de los modelos de racionalidad occidental. Se estudian las dinámicas de descomposición social de la globalización y la aparición...
Published by: Ursinus College
Copper-Binding, Oxygen Activation, and 2-Electron Oxidation Kinetics of de novo Designed Due Ferri Single-Chain (DFsc) Variants: a Type 3 Copper Oxidase Model
Brian Van Dyke
Jan 01, 0001
Binuclear copper enzymes, such as tyrosinase and catechol oxidase, are involved in the melaninization and sclerotization processes. Understanding the mechanism of the diphenol oxidn. activity in these enzymes is crucial to...
Published by: Ursinus College








