
Results: 1241
The “Edutab Box”
Collaborative/active learning is a notably effective educational method. Since tablet terminals are now being widely used in the educational field, it is being possible to use tablet terminals for collaborative/active learning....
MS in South Asians in England
BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies describe a latitude gradient for increased MS prevalence and a preponderance of disease in Caucasian individuals. However, individuals from other ethnic backgrounds and low-risk regions can...
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LC–MS Lipidomics
Typical lipidomics methods incorporate a liquid−liquid extraction with LC−MS quantitation; however, the classic sample extraction methods are not high-throughput and do not perform well at extracting the full range of lipids...
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Organoid Sample Preparation and Extraction for LC-MS Peptidomics.
This protocol describes the peptidomic analysis of organoid lysates, FACS-purified cell populations, and 2D culture secretions by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Currently, most peptides are quantified by ELISA...
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Effects of Different Land-Use Types on the Space Use of the Woodland Box Turtle
Sydney Grant
Jan 01, 0001
Human land use change has resulted in extensive habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation, threatening biodiversity worldwide. The population of woodland box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) has declined because of land...
Published by: Winthrop University
Conservation Biology Class Seeks to Save Box Turtles From Urbanization
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
HIGHLIGHTS They received three grants - from the North American Box Turtle Conservation Committee, Sigma Xi and the Winthrop Research Council - and used the funds to purchase radio transmitters.
Published by: Winthrop University
Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for detection and quantification of in vivo derived metabolites of [Pyr 1 ]apelin-13 in humans
Abstract: [Pyr1]apelin-13 is the predominant apelin peptide isoform in the human cardiovascular system and plasma. To date, few studies have investigated [Pyr1]apelin-13 metabolism in vivo in rats with no studies examining its...
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S-Box Construction Method Based on the Combination of Quantum Chaos and PWLCM Chaotic Map
For a security system built on symmetric-key cryptography algorithms, the substitution box (S-box) plays a crucial role to resist cryptanalysis. In this article, we incorporate quantum chaos and PWLCM chaotic map into a new...
Flange local buckling of pultruded GFRP box beams

An experimental program investigating the flange local buckling (FLB) behavior of pGFRP box-sections is reported. The commonly accepted design equation based on plate theory was validated although importance of accurate...

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Participation Analysis in Impedance Models
This paper develops a grey-box approach to small-signal stability analysis of complex power systems that facilitates root-cause tracing without requiring disclosure of the full details of the internal control structure of...
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Flange local buckling of pultruded GFRP box beams

An experimental program investigating the flange local buckling (FLB) behavior of pGFRP box-sections is reported. The commonly accepted design equation based on plate theory was validated although importance of accurate...

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Participation Analysis in Impedance Models
This paper develops a grey-box approach to small-signal stability analysis of complex power systems that facilitates root-cause tracing without requiring disclosure of the full details of the internal control structure of...
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The <em>Bacillus</em> BioBrick Box
Standardized and well-characterized genetic building blocks are a prerequisite for the convenient and reproducible assembly of novel genetic modules and devices. While numerous standardized parts exist for...
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