
Results: 3056
Winthrop Dance Theatre 2015 Features Bodiography Creator Maria Caruso
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Maria Caruso created Bodiography to celebrate dancers of all shapes and sizes. When choreographer Maria Caruso created her company Bodiography, she set out to celebrate dancers of all shapes and sizes. She has since won acclaim...
Published by: Winthrop University
Tissue specific requirement of Drosophila Rcd4 for centriole duplication and ciliogenesis.
Rcd4 is a poorly characterized Drosophila centriole component whose mammalian counterpart, PPP1R35, is suggested to function in centriole elongation and conversion to centrosomes. Here, we show that rcd4 mutants exhibit fewer...
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The midbody interactome reveals unexpected roles for PP1 phosphatases in cytokinesis
Abstract: The midbody is an organelle assembled at the intercellular bridge between the two daughter cells at the end of mitosis. It controls the final separation of the daughter cells and has been involved in cell fate...
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Convergence of interaction-driven evolutions of dislocations with Wasserstein dissipation and slip-plane confinement
We consider systems of n parallel edge dislocations in a single slip system, represented by points in a two-dimensional domain; the elastic medium is modelled as a continuum. We formulate the energy of this system in terms of...
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Convergence of interaction-driven evolutions of dislocations with Wasserstein dissipation and slip-plane confinement
We consider systems of n parallel edge dislocations in a single slip system, represented by points in a two-dimensional domain; the elastic medium is modelled as a continuum. We formulate the energy of this system in terms of...
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The equilibrium measure for a nonlocal dislocation energy

In this paper we characterize the equilibrium measure for a nonlocal and anisotropic weighted energy describing the interaction of positive dislocations in the plane. We prove that the minimum value of the energy is attained...

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The equilibrium measure for a nonlocal dislocation energy

In this paper we characterize the equilibrium measure for a nonlocal and anisotropic weighted energy describing the interaction of positive dislocations in the plane. We prove that the minimum value of the energy is attained...

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Multilayer modelling of the human transcriptome and biological mechanisms of complex diseases and traits.
Here, we performed a comprehensive intra-tissue and inter-tissue multilayer network analysis of the human transcriptome. We generated an atlas of communities in gene co-expression networks in 49 tissues (GTEx v8), evaluated...
Multilayer modelling of the human transcriptome and biological mechanisms of complex diseases and traits.
Here, we performed a comprehensive intra-tissue and inter-tissue multilayer network analysis of the human transcriptome. We generated an atlas of communities in gene co-expression networks in 49 tissues (GTEx v8), evaluated...
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Physiologically based modelling of the antiplatelet effect of aspirin
A computational approach involving mathematical modeling and in silico experiments was used to characterize the determinants of extent and duration of platelet cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 inhibition by aspirin and design precision...
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Heritability of human "directed" functional connectome.
INTRODUCTION: The functional connectivity patterns in the brain are highly heritable; however, it is unclear how genetic factors influence the directionality of such "information flows." Studying the "directionality" of the...
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Global gene expression profiling and senescence biomarker analysis of hESC exposed to H2O2 induced non-cytotoxic oxidative stress.
BACKGROUND: Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) potentially offer new routes to study, on the basis of the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) concept, how the maternal environment during pregnancy influences the...
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Modeling Brain-Heart Crosstalk Information in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury.
BACKGROUND: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an extremely heterogeneous and complex pathology that requires the integration of different physiological measurements for the optimal understanding and clinical management of...
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Sociology Faculty Member Compares Latino Immigrant Employment Experiences
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
The session will be at 11 a.m. Sept. 3 in Dinkins Auditorium. The 2015-16 Provost's Spotlight on Scholarship Series kicks off Thursday, Sept. 3, with a lecture by Winthrop University Assistant Professor of Sociology Maria...
Published by: Winthrop University








