
Results: 62
Spatial processes in linear ordering
Memory performance in linear order reasoning tasks (A > B, B > C, C > D, etc.) shows quicker, and more accurate responses to queries on wider (AD) than narrower (AB) pairs on a hypothetical linear mental model (A – B –...
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Spatial processes in linear ordering
Memory performance in linear order reasoning tasks (A > B, B > C, C > D, etc.) shows quicker, and more accurate responses to queries on wider (AD) than narrower (AB) pairs on a hypothetical linear mental model (A – B –...
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Single Allocation Hub Location with Heterogeneous Economies of Scale
We study the single allocation hub location problem with heterogeneous economies of scale (SAHLP-h). The SAHLP-h is a generalization of the classical single allocation hub location problem (SAHLP), in which the hub-hub...
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Identité Voilée: Le Républicanisme et la Femme Franco-musulmane
Helen Brabant-Bleakley
Jan 01, 0001
Ce projet examine les angoisses culturelles vécues par la Musulmane voilée en France afin de tenter d'expliquer sa marginalisation et son oppression dans la société française contemporaine. Pour déterminer la racine du récit que...
Published by: Ursinus College
Single Allocation Hub Location with Heterogeneous Economies of Scale
We study the single allocation hub location problem with heterogeneous economies of scale (SAHLP-h). The SAHLP-h is a generalization of the classical single allocation hub location problem (SAHLP), in which the hub-hub...
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<i>Morts pour la France</i>
Paola Filippucci
Nov 03, 2020
This article considers the power of things to affect how the past is remembered in the aftermath of mass violence, through the case of the ‘destroyed villages’ ( villages détruits) of the battlefield of Verdun, theatre...
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Out of Bounds Ensemble to Perform Concert of Trios
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Trios, which are musical works written for any combination of three instrumentalists, have long been a chamber music tradition. One of the more traditional trio combinations, violin, cello, and piano is represented in this...
Published by: Winthrop University
Quelques designations de l'arum tachete (Arum macula/urn L.) dans les dialectes gallo-romans et daco-roumains
La motivation sémantique, source de la création lexicale, est une réalité qui a été mise en évidence dans de nombreuses études, partant sur le lexique lui-meme (voir l'Atlas Linguarum Europae ALE, l'Atlas Linguistique Roman...
The Front National in the twenty-first century
Aurelien Mondon
Jun 01, 2014
The impressive result obtained by Marine Le Pen in the 2012 presidential elections has raised many questions regarding her ability to break the glass ceiling which many had thought unreachable for the Front National (FN). For...
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The Front National in the twenty-first century
Aurelien Mondon
Jun 01, 2014
The impressive result obtained by Marine Le Pen in the 2012 presidential elections has raised many questions regarding her ability to break the glass ceiling which many had thought unreachable for the Front National (FN). For...
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La Cour Suprême du Royaume-Uni et le Brexit
JS Bell
May 30, 2017
If Her Majesty’s Ministers sign this treaty [to enter the European Economic Communities] and Parliament enacts provisions to implement it, I do not envisage that Parliament would afterwards go back on it and try to withdraw from...
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À rebours des systèmes
H Azerad
Aug 22, 2017
This article aims to unravel the anti-systematic components of Glissantian thought, which revolves around the notion of chaos-monde. It draws on a wide selection of Glissant's writings, including his lesser-known work of...
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Quelques designations de l'arum tachete (Arum macula/urn L.) dans les dialectes gallo-romans et daco-roumains
La motivation sémantique, source de la création lexicale, est une réalité qui a été mise en évidence dans de nombreuses études, partant sur le lexique lui-meme (voir l'Atlas Linguarum Europae ALE, l'Atlas Linguistique Roman...
Le Diable dans la bibliothèque
Dans Thinking with Demons (1997), Stuart Clark a montré que la démonologie, cette composante essentielle de la pensée de la première modernité, n’était pas une affaire de spécialistes: ‘penser avec le diable’ était une activité...
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Social Entrepreneurship In MSME Development
The creative industry through community-based industry on the scale of MSMEs, has developed quite well. The creative industry has the opportunity to continue to increase, because the industry is responsive to absorb the...






