
Results: 1732
Direitos Sociais na Constituição Uma Análise da Constitucionalização dos Direitos Sociais em Portugal, 1975-76
Embora todas as constituições incluam direitos, e muitas delas incluam direitos sociais, a verdade é que algumas são mais generosas do que outras a este respeito. Mas nenhuma se aproxima da Constituição da República Portuguesa...
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Attitudes of Costa Rican individuals towards donation of personal genetic data for research
Aim: We explore attitudes from the public in Costa Rica regarding willingness to donate DNA data for research. Materials & methods: A total of 224 Costa Rican individuals answered the anonymous online survey ‘Your DNA, Your...
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Attitudes of Costa Rican individuals towards donation of personal genetic data for research
Aim: We explore attitudes from the public in Costa Rica regarding willingness to donate DNA data for research. Materials & methods: A total of 224 Costa Rican individuals answered the anonymous online survey ‘Your DNA, Your...
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A Hybrid Binary Bird Swarm Optimization (BSO) and Dragonfly Algorithm (DA) for VM Allocation and Load Balancing in Cloud
The cloud platform is becoming one of the fastest-rising environments in human activities, connecting the whole world in the upcoming decades. The three crucial aspects of cloud computing that enhance the quality of service are...
Technical-Economic Feasibility Study of a Tri-Generation System in an Isolated Tropical Island
Over the years, and despite the energy efficiency measures and possibilities, there has been an increase in energy consumption worldwide. However, the resources and primary energies are limited and short stocked, and the energy...
Blocking dPerk in the intestine suppresses neurodegeneration in a Drosophila model of Parkinson's disease.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterised by selective death of dopaminergic (DA) neurons in the midbrain and motor function impairment. Gastrointestinal issues often precede motor deficits in PD, indicating that the gut-brain...
Published by: Cell Death & Disease
Giovanni Canestrini’s models of Leonardo da Vinci’s friction experiments
IM Hutchings
Feb 16, 2017
Among the exhibits at the 2016 Leonardo da Vinci exhibition at the Science Museum, London, was one that purported to illustrate Leonardo’s experiments on friction. The models involved were the work of Giovanni Canestrini...
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Program for the Stage Production of Two One-Act Plays: She Was Only a Farmer's Daughter & Aria Da Capo
Curtain Club
Jan 01, 0001
This two-page program details the Curtain Club of Ursinus College's production of two one-act plays, "She Was Only a Farmer's Daughter" and "Aria Da Capo", held March 19, 1966. It includes information about the casting and...
Published by: Ursinus College
Selling Forbidden Books
A da Costa
Jun 07, 2018
Reformation scholars have tended to take for granted English demand for evangelical books without considering how writers and printers persuaded readers steeped in traditional religion to engage with verboten and challenging...
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Monitoring ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) in British forests using hyperspectral remote sensing
Abstract: Large‐scale dieback of ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus is posing an immense threat to forest health in Europe, requiring effective monitoring at large scales. In this study, a...
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The Teukolsky–Starobinsky constants
Abstract: The Teukolsky master equation describes the dynamics of massless fields with spin on a Kerr black hole. Under separation of variables, spin-reversal for this equation is accomplished through the so-called...
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The Teukolsky–Starobinsky constants
Abstract: The Teukolsky master equation describes the dynamics of massless fields with spin on a Kerr black hole. Under separation of variables, spin-reversal for this equation is accomplished through the so-called...
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The Teukolsky–Starobinsky constants
Abstract: The Teukolsky master equation describes the dynamics of massless fields with spin on a Kerr black hole. Under separation of variables, spin-reversal for this equation is accomplished through the so-called...
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Mode Stability for the Teukolsky Equation on Extremal and Subextremal Kerr Spacetimes
Rita Teixeira da Costa
Jul 28, 2021
Abstract: We prove that there are no exponentially growing modes nor modes on the real axis for the Teukolsky equation on Kerr black hole spacetimes, both in the extremal and subextremal case. We also give a quantitative...
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Hidden Spectral Symmetries and Mode Stability of Subextremal Kerr(-de Sitter) Black Holes
Abstract: We uncover hidden spectral symmetries of the Teukolsky equation in Kerr(-de Sitter) black holes, recently conjectured by Aminov, Grassi and Hatsuda (Ann. Henri Poincaré 23, 1951-1977, 2022, and Gen. Relativ. Grav....
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The Teukolsky-Starobinsky constants
The Teukolsky Master Equation describes the dynamics of massless fields with spin on a Kerr black hole. Under separation of variables, spin-reversal for this equation is accomplished through the so-called...
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Sensory Neurobiology
A neuron responding to moist air and its ionotropic receptor have been identified in Drosophila melanogaster. Moreover, second-order neurons integrate temperature and humidity information before reaching higher brain centres.
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Mode Stability for the Teukolsky Equation on Extremal and Subextremal Kerr Spacetimes
Rita Teixeira da Costa
Jul 17, 2020
Abstract: We prove that there are no exponentially growing modes nor modes on the real axis for the Teukolsky equation on Kerr black hole spacetimes, both in the extremal and subextremal case. We also give a quantitative...
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Neonatal cerebrovascular autoregulation.
Cerebrovascular pressure autoregulation is the physiologic mechanism that holds cerebral blood flow (CBF) relatively constant across changes in cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP). Cerebral vasoreactivity refers to the...
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