
Results: 27341
Zola’s “champ limité de la réalisation”
Nicholas White
Dec 07, 2020
Émile Zola explains the inclusion of the Paris Commune of 1871 in his novel, La Débâcle (1892) in terms of his Naturalist epistemophilia: “Je veux tout mettre, je suis toujours désespéré du champ limité de la réalisation.” But...
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Galleria mellonella as an infection model for Campylobacter jejuni virulence
Larvae of Galleria mellonella (Greater Wax Moth) have been shown to be susceptible to Campylobacter jejuni infection and our study characterizes this infection model. Following infection with C. jejuni human isolates, bacteria...
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Galleria mellonella as an infection model for Campylobacter jejuni virulence
Larvae of Galleria mellonella (Greater Wax Moth) have been shown to be susceptible to Campylobacter jejuni infection and our study characterizes this infection model. Following infection with C. jejuni human isolates, bacteria...
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Le Diable dans la bibliothèque
Dans Thinking with Demons (1997), Stuart Clark a montré que la démonologie, cette composante essentielle de la pensée de la première modernité, n’était pas une affaire de spécialistes: ‘penser avec le diable’ était une activité...
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MA-XRF imaging on René Magritte's La condition humaine
Abstract Magritte’s composition La condition humaine, 1935 was found to conceal under its paint layers an entire quarter of a lost composition by the artist, until recently only known from a small black/white...
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Seroprevalence of HIV and Hepatitis-C infection among blood donors in Vijaypur district Karnataka, India-A Retrospective study
This retrospective study was undertaken to known the Seroprevalence of HIV and HCV viral infections among blood donors of both sexes over a period of 2 years from January 2011 to December 2012. A total 3535 blood donors of both...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
Unexpected Migratory Insertion Reactions of M(alkyl)<sub>2</sub> (M = Zn, Cd) and Diamidocarbenes
The electrophilic character of free diamidocarbenes (DACs) allows them to activate inert bonds in small molecules, such as NH3 and P4. Herein, we report that metal coordinated DACs also exhibit...
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Seroprevalence of HIV and Hepatitis-C infection among blood donors in Vijaypur district Karnataka, India-A Retrospective study
This retrospective study was undertaken to known the Seroprevalence of HIV and HCV viral infections among blood donors of both sexes over a period of 2 years from January 2011 to December 2012. A total 3535 blood donors of both...
Published by: IJHS Medical Association
De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
De la philosophie de la religion dans l’oeuvre de Landgrebe
Sylvain Camilleri
Apr 22, 2021
Nombreux sont les premiers disciples de Husserl à s’être intéressés de prèsà la religion. Landgrebe ne fait pas exception à la règle, même si j’entendsmontrer qu’il constitue plutôt un cas à part. Pourquoi donc ? Parce que...
Mining Agricultural Data to Predict Soil Fertility Using Ensemble Boosting Algorithm
Agriculture is the most important resource of livelihood and an emerging field the forms the backbone of India. Present challenges of the agriculture domain include uncertain climatic changes, poor irrigation facilities, weather...
Unexpected Migratory Insertion Reactions of M(alkyl)<sub>2</sub> (M = Zn, Cd) and Diamidocarbenes
The electrophilic character of free diamidocarbenes (DACs) allows them to activate inert bonds in small molecules, such as NH3 and P4. Herein, we report that metal coordinated DACs also exhibit...
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Desgarraduras del cuerpo y degolladuras de la voz
B Epps
Aug 24, 2017
El mismo mar de todos los veranos de Esther Tusquets narra la tormentosa relación erótica y emocional de una mujer de la alta burguesía catalana, casada y desencantada, que ejerce de profesora de literatura, con una joven...
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BACKGROUND: Although the use of clustering methods has rapidly become one of the standard computational approaches in the literature of microarray gene expression data analysis, little attention has been paid to uncertainty in...
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Vacancy and interstitial oxide ion migration in heavily doped La 2-xSr xCoO 4±δ
La 2-xSr xCoO 4±δ, a K 2NiF 4-type structured oxide, is currently under investigation for its possible application as a cathode material in solid oxide fuel cells operating at intermediate temperature (IT-SOFCs). Here we report...
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Identité Voilée: Le Républicanisme et la Femme Franco-musulmane
Helen Brabant-Bleakley
Jan 01, 0001
Ce projet examine les angoisses culturelles vécues par la Musulmane voilée en France afin de tenter d'expliquer sa marginalisation et son oppression dans la société française contemporaine. Pour déterminer la racine du récit que...
Published by: Ursinus College
Vacancy and interstitial oxide ion migration in heavily doped La 2-xSr xCoO 4±δ
La 2-xSr xCoO 4±δ, a K 2NiF 4-type structured oxide, is currently under investigation for its possible application as a cathode material in solid oxide fuel cells operating at intermediate temperature (IT-SOFCs). Here we report...
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Shona metaphors created during the Zimbabwe crisis
Shona is a Southern Bantu language that is spoken by about 75% of Zimbabweans. This article discusses the nature of metaphors that were created by Shona speakers in speaking of the Zimbabwean political and socio-economic crisis....
Electronic health information is an efficient technique for providing health care services to society. Patient health information is stored in the cloud, to allow access of eHealth information from anywhere, and at any time, but...
Determinantes de la movilidad ocupacional segmentada de los inmigrantes no comunitarios en España
La literatura sobre la integración económica de los inmigrantes ha destacado la existencia de un patrón de movilidad en forma de «U». En este artículo discutimos esta argumentación partiendo de las teorías de la segmentación del...
Published by: Winthrop University
Shona metaphors created during the Zimbabwe crisis
Shona is a Southern Bantu language that is spoken by about 75% of Zimbabweans. This article discusses the nature of metaphors that were created by Shona speakers in speaking of the Zimbabwean political and socio-economic crisis....








