Steinman, R.M., and Cohn, Z.A. Identification of a novel cell type in peripheral lymphoid organs of mice. II. Functional properties in vitro. J. Exp. Med. 139: 380-397, 1974
Zanvil Alexander Cohn, an editor of this Journal since 1973, died suddenly on June 28, 1993. Cohn is best known as the father of the current era of macrophage biology. Many of his scientific accomplishments are recounted here...
Dr. Alfred E. Cohn. The Development of the Harveian Circulation
An address delivered before the Harvey Society of New York on the occasion of the tercentenary of the publication of "Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et...
Nussenzweig, M.C., Steinman, R.M., Gutchinov, B., and Cohn, Z.A. Dendritic cells are accessory cells for the development of anti-trinitrophenyl cytotoxic T lymphocytes. J. Exp. Med. 152: 1070-1084, 1980
Steinman, R.M., and Cohn, Z.A. Identification of a novel cell type in peripheral lymphoid organs of mice. I. Morphology, quantitation, tissue distribution. J. Exp. Med. 137: 1142-1162, 1973
Steinman, R.M., Kaplan, G., Witmer, M.D., and Cohn, Z.A. Identification of a novel cell-type in peripheral lymphoid organs of mice. V. Purification of spleen dendritic cells, new surface markers, and maintenance in vitro. J....
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), is one of the world's most serious health and development challenges. Worldwide there are approximately 36.7 million...
The article "The effect of cationically modified phosphorylcholine polymers on human osteoblasts in vitro and their effect on bone formation in vivo", written by Jonathan M. Lawton, Mariam Habib, Bingkui Ma, Roger A. Brooks...
The complimentary nature of qualitative and quantitative research methods are examined with respect to a study assessing the market's view of a training and development institute in the Middle East. The qualitative portion...
To survive in a complex and dynamic environment, animals must adapt their behavior based on their current needs and prior experiences. This flexibility is often mediated by neuromodulation within neural circuits that link...
The Roger and Elizabeth Weikle International Opportunities Endowment will support adjunct faculty or students for international study or learning experiences. Roger Weikle will retire in June after 41 years at Winthrop.
The Insight Lecture Series fosters wide-ranging discussions of issues in sciences, health, politics, and the arts in the Rockefeller campus community. The lectures are open to Rockefeller faculty, students, postdocs, and staff...
A method has been developed to deliver an iodinating system into the confines of the phagolysosome, allowing us to study the nature of the phagolysosomal membrane. Lactoperoxidase (LPO) is covalently coupled to carboxylated...
White pulp nodules of mouse spleen contain a minor population of cells with morphologic features that are identical to those of dendritic cells, a cell type recently described in vitro. They have characteristic large...
E-learning is of increasing importance in delivering flexible and distributed programmes for workforce skill development such as induction, product knowledge, systems compliance, and customer service. This research consists of a...
In spite of much ongoing experimentation, the consensus view is that a vaccine will be difficult to achieve. New strategies of chemo- and immunotherapy may bear more rapid results.
Lactoperoxidase covalently coupled to latex spheres (LPO-latex) has been used to selectively iodinate the phagolysosome (PL) membrane within living macrophages, as discussed in the accompanying article. This procedure labeled...
The extent of latent HIV-1 infection in blood T cells and monocytes of 23 seropositive individuals was examined using DNA amplification (PCR) of HIV-1 sequences. Amplified DNA was found in at least one cell type in all...
The uptake, distribution, and fate of particulate horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-anti HRP aggregates has been studied in homogeneous monolayers of mouse macrophages in vitro. Macrophages rapidly interiorize the immune complexes...