
Results: 12386
Interview with Stephen Lovegrove - OH 126
Stephen Lovegrove
Jan 01, 0001
In his December 2014 interview with Michelle Dubert-Bellrichard, Stephen Lovegrove shares his story coming to Winthrop as an "out" student recently kicked out of a religious college. Lovegrove details his perception of the...
Published by: Winthrop University
Candace Hill‐Montgomery, Against Containment
Amy Tobin
Mar 31, 2023
This essay focuses on the work of New York‐based artist and poet Candace Hill‐Montgomery. In 1979, Hill‐Montgomery described her work as changing ‘the containment we all live within’, pointing both to the social and political...
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NBC's Chuck Todd Said Comedian Stephen Colbert is Making a Mockery of the Political System
Winthrop University
Jan 01, 0001
Addressing the audience on media coverage of the political campaign, Chuck Todd said comedian Stephen Colbert is making a mockery of the system. The process is a mess, Todd said, but he wondered if Colbert is trying to influence...
Published by: Winthrop University
Meaning at the Crossroads
Stephen Costello
Mar 16, 2022
Stephen J. Costello holds a BA, MA, and PhD in philosophy. He has addressed two parliaments—Stormont on human rights and the European Parliament in Brussels on mental health. He has twenty-five years’ experience giving seminars...
U ( 1 ) B 3 - L 2 explanation of the neutral current B - anomalies
B. C. Allanach
Mar 25, 2021
Abstract: We investigate a speculative short-distance force, proposed to explain discrepancies observed between measurements of certain neutral current decays of B hadrons and their Standard Model predictions. The force derives...
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The evolution of mendelian randomization for investigating drug effects.
Dipender Gill and Stephen Burgess discuss the accompanying study by James Yarmolinsky and colleagues investigating the associations between genetically-proxied inhibition of antihypertensive drug targets and risk of common...
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U ( 1 ) B 3 - L 2 explanation of the neutral current B - anomalies
B. C. Allanach
Apr 16, 2021
Abstract: We investigate a speculative short-distance force, proposed to explain discrepancies observed between measurements of certain neutral current decays of B hadrons and their Standard Model predictions. The force derives...
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U ( 1 ) B 3 - L 2 explanation of the neutral current B - anomalies
B. C. Allanach
Jan 20, 2021
Abstract: We investigate a speculative short-distance force, proposed to explain discrepancies observed between measurements of certain neutral current decays of B hadrons and their Standard Model predictions. The force derives...
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U ( 1 ) B 3 - L 2 explanation of the neutral current B - anomalies
B. C. Allanach
Aug 02, 2021
Abstract: We investigate a speculative short-distance force, proposed to explain discrepancies observed between measurements of certain neutral current decays of B hadrons and their Standard Model predictions. The force derives...
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Are brain weights estimated from scaling relationships suitable for comparative studies of animal cognition?
Stephen H Montgomery
Aug 13, 2019
What is the cognitive significance of variation in brain size? This question is simply put, but hard to answer, and remains one of the most enduring questions in comparative ethology. Understanding the causative links between...
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Co-evolution of cerebral and cerebellar expansion in cetaceans.
Cetaceans possess brains that rank among the largest to have ever evolved, either in terms of absolute mass or relative to body size. Cetaceans have evolved these huge brains under relatively unique environmental conditions...
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HD 56414 b
Abstract We report the discovery in TESS data and validation of HD 56414 b (a.k.a. TOI-1228 b), a Neptune-size (R ...
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An agent-based model clarifies the importance of functional and developmental integration in shaping brain evolution.


Vertebrate brain structure is characterised not only by relative consistency in scaling between components, but also by many examples of divergence from these general trends.. Alternative hypotheses explain...
Published by: BMC biology
Measurement of branching fraction ratios for B+ -> D*+D-K+, B+ -> D*-D+K+, and B-0 -> (D*-DK+)-K-0 decays
R Aaij, C Abellan Beteta, T Ackernley, B Adeva, M Adinolfi, H Afsharnia, CA Aidala, S Aiola, Z Ajaltouni, S Akar, J Albrecht, F Alessio, M Alexander, A Alfonso Albero, Z Aliouche, G Alkhazov, P Alvarez Cartelle, AA Jr Alves, S Amato, Y Amhis, L An, L Anderlini, G Andreassi, A Andreianov, M Andreotti, F Archilli, A Artamonov, M Artuso, K Arzymatov, E Aslanides, M Atzeni, B Audurier, S Bachmann, M Bachmayer, JJ Back, S Baker, P Baladron Rodriguez, V Balagura, W Baldini, J Baptista Leite, RJ Barlow, S Barsuk, W Barter, M Bartolini, F Baryshnikov, JM Basels, G Bassi, V Batozskaya, B Batsukh, A Battig, A Bay, M Becker, F Bedeschi, I Bediaga, A Beiter, V Belavin, S Belin, V Bellee, K Belous, I Belov, I Belyaev, G Bencivenni, E Ben-Haim, S Benson, A Berezhnoy, R Bernet, D Berninghoff, HC Bernstein, C Bertella, E Bertholet, A Bertolin, C Betancourt, F Betti, MO Bettler, Ia Bezshyiko, S Bhasin, J Bhom, L Bian, MS Bieker, S Bifani, P Billoir, M Birch, FCR Bishop, A Bizzeti, M Bjorn, MP Blago, T Blake, F Blanc, S Blusk, D Bobulska, V Bocci, JA Boelhauve, O Boente Garcia, T Boettcher, A Boldyrev, A Bondar, N Bondar, S Borghi, M Borisyak, M Borsato, JT Borsuk, SA Bouchiba, TJV Bowcock, A Boyer, C Bozzi, MJ Bradley, S Braun, A Brea Rodriguez, M Brodski, J Brodzicka, A Brossa Gonzalo, D Brundu, E Buchanan, A Buchler-Germann, A Buonaura, C Burr, A Bursche, A Butkevich, JS Butter, J Buytaert, W Byczynski, S Cadeddu, H Cai, R Calabrese, L Calefice, L Calero Diaz, S Cali, R Calladine, M Calvi, M Calvo Gomez, P Camargo Magalhaes, A Camboni, P Campana, DH Campora Perez, AF Campoverde Quezada, S Capelli, L Capriotti, A Carbone, G Carboni, R Cardinale, A Cardini, I Carli, P Carniti, K Carvalho Akiba, A Casais Vidal, G Casse, M Cattaneo, G Cavallero, S Celani, R Cenci, J Cerasoli, AJ Chadwick, MG Chapman, M Charles, Ph Charpentier, G Chatzikonstantinidis, CA Chavez Barajas, M Chefdeville, V Chekalina, C Chen, S Chen, A Chernov, S-G Chitic, V Chobanova, S Cholak, M Chrzaszcz, A Chubykin, V Chulikov, P Ciambrone, MF Cicala, X Cid Vidal, G Ciezarek, PEL Clarke, M Clemencic, HV Cliff, J Closier, JL Cobbledick, V Coco, JAB Coelho, J Cogan, E Cogneras, L Cojocariu, P Collins, T Colombo, L Congedo, A Contu, N Cooke, G Coombs, S Coquereau, G Corti, CM Costa Sobral, B Couturier, DC Craik, J Crkovska, A Crocombe, M Cruz Torres, R Currie, CL Silva, E Dall'Occo, J Dalseno, C D'Ambrosio, A Danilina, P D'Argent, A Davis, O De Aguiar Francisco, K De Bruyn, S De Capua, M De Cian, JM De Miranda, L De Paula, M De Serio, D De Simone, P De Simone, JA de Vries, CT Dean, W Dean, D Decamp, L Del Buono, B Delaney, H-P Dembinski, A Dendek, V Denysenko, D Derkach, O Deschamps, F Desse, F Dettori, B Dey, A Di Canto, P Di Nezza, S Didenko, L Dieste Maronas, H Dijkstra, V Dobishuk, AM Donohoe, F Dordei, M Dorigo, AC dos Reis, L Douglas, A Dovbnya, AG Downes, K Dreimanis, MW Dudek, L Dufour, V Duk, P Durante, JM Durham, D Dutta, M Dziewiecki, A Dziurda, A Dzyuba, S Easo, U Egede, V Egorychev, S Eidelman, S Eisenhardt, S Ek-In, L Eklund, S Ely, A Ene, E Epple, S Escher, J Eschle, S Esen, T Evans, A Falabella, J Fan, Y Fan, B Fang, N Farley, S Farry, D Fazzini, P Fedin, M Feo, P Fernandez Declara, A Fernandez Prieto, F Ferrari, L Ferreira Lopes, F Ferreira Rodrigues, S Ferreres Sole, M Ferrillo, M Ferro-Luzzi, S Filippov, RA Fini, M Fiorini, M Firlej, KM Fischer, C Fitzpatrick, T Fiutowski, F Fleuret, M Fontana, F Fontanelli, R Forty, V Franco Lima, M Franco Sevilla, M Frank, E Franzoso, G Frau, C Frei, DA Friday, J Fu, Q Fuehring, W Funk, E Gabriel, T Gaintseva, A Gallas Torreira, D Galli, S Gallorini, S Gambetta, Y Gan, M Gandelman, P Gandini, Y Gao, M Garau, LM Garcia Martin, P Garcia Moreno, J Garcia Pardinas, B Garcia Plana, FA Garcia Rosales, L Garrido, D Gascon, C Gaspar, RE Geertsema, D Gerick, LL Gerken, E Gersabeck, M Gersabeck, T Gershon, D Gerstel, Ph Ghez, V Gibson, M Giovannetti, A Gioventu, P Gironella Gironell, L Giubega, C Giugliano, K Gizdov, VV Gligorov, C Gobel, E Golobardes, D Golubkov, A Golutvin, A Gomes, S Gomez Fernandez, M Goncerz, P Gorbounov, IV Gorelov, C Gotti, E Govorkova, JP Grabowski, R Graciani Diaz, T Grammatico, LA Granado Cardoso, E Grauges, E Graverini, G Graziani, A Grecu, LM Greeven, R Greim, P Griffith, L Grillo, S Gromov, L Gruber, BR Gruberg Cazon, C Gu, M Guarise, PA Gunther, E Gushchin, A Guth, Y Guz, T Gys, T Hadavizadeh, G Haefeli, C Haen, J Haimberger, SC Haines, T Halewood-leagas, PM Hamilton, Q Han, X Han, TH Hancock, S Hansmann-Menzemer, N Harnew, T Harrison, R Hart, C Hasse, M Hatch, J He, M Hecker, K Heijhoff, K Heinicke, AM Hennequin, K Hennessy, L Henry, J Heuel, A Hicheur, D Hill, M Hilton, SE Hollitt, PH Hopchev, J Hu, J Hu, W Hu, W Huang, X Huang, W Hulsbergen, T Humair, RJ Hunter, M Hushchyn, D Hutchcroft, D Hynds, P Ibis, M Idzik, D Ilin, P Ilten, A Inglessi, K Ivshin, R Jacobsson, S Jakobsen, E Jans, BK Jashal, A Jawahery, V Jevtic, M Jezabek, F Jiang, M John, D Johnson, CR Jones, TP Jones, B Jost, N Jurik, S Kandybei, Y Kang, M Karacson, JM Kariuki, N Kazeev, M Kecke, F Keizer, M Kelsey, M Kenzie, T Ketel, B Khanji, A Kharisova, S Kholodenko, KE Kim, T Kirn, VS Kirsebom, O Kitouni, S Klaver, K Klimaszewski, S Koliiev, A Kondybayeva, A Konoplyannikov, P Kopciewicz, R Kopecna, P Koppenburg, M Korolev, I Kostiuk, O Kot, S Kotriakhova, P Kravchenko, L Kravchuk, RD Krawczyk, M Kreps, F Kress, S Kretzschmar, P Krokovny, W Krupa, W Krzemien, W Kucewicz, M Kucharczyk, V Kudryavtsev, HS Kuindersma, GJ Kunde, T Kvaratskheliya, D Lacarrere, G Lafferty, A Lai, A Lampis, D Lancierini, JJ Lane, R Lane, G Lanfranchi, C Langenbruch, J Langer, O Lantwin, T Latham, F Lazzari, R Le Gac, SH Lee, R Lefevre, A Leflat, S Legotin, O Leroy, T Lesiak, B Leverington, H Li, L Li, P Li, X Li, Y Li, Y Li, Z Li, X Liang, T Lin, R Lindner, V Lisovskyi, R Litvinov, G Liu, H Liu, S Liu, X Liu, D Loh, A Loi, J Lomba Castro, I Longstaff, JH Lopes, G Loustau, GH Lovell, Y Lu, D Lucchesi, S Luchuk, M Lucio Martinez, V Lukashenko, Y Luo, A Lupato, E Luppi, O Lupton, A Lusiani, X Lyu, L Ma, S Maccolini, F Machefert, F Maciuc, V Macko, P Mackowiak, S Maddrell-Mander, LR Madhan Mohan, O Maev, A Maevskiy, D Maisuzenko, MW Majewski, S Malde, B Malecki, A Malinin, T Maltsev, H Malygina, G Manca, G Mancinelli, R Manera Escalero, D Manuzzi, D Marangotto, J Maratas, JF Marchand, U Marconi, S Mariani, C Marin Benito, M Marinangeli, P Marino, J Marks, PJ Marshall, G Martellotti, L Martinazzoli, M Martinelli, D Martinez Santos, F Martinez Vidal, A Massafferri, M Materok, R Matev, A Mathad, Z Mathe, Matiunin, C Matteuzzi, KR Mattioli, A Mauri, E Maurice, J Mauricio, M Mazurek, M McCann, L Mcconnell, TH Mcgrath, A McNab, R McNulty, JV Mead, B Meadows, C Meaux, G Meier, N Meinert, D Melnychuk, S Meloni, M Merk, A Merli, L Meyer Garcia, M Mikhasenko, DA Milanes, E Millard, M-N Minard, O Mineev, L Minzoni, SE Mitchell, B Mitreska, DS Mitzel, A Modden, A Mogini, RA Mohammed, RD Moise, T Mombacher, IA Monroy, S Monteil, M Morandin, G Morello, MJ Morello, J Moron, AB Morris, AG Morris, R Mountain, H Mu, F Muheim, M Mukherjee, M Mulder, D Muller, K Muller, CH Murphy, D Murray, P Muzzetto, P Naik, T Nakada, R Nandakumar, T Nanut, I Nasteva, M Needham, I Neri, N Neri, S Neubert, N Neufeld, R Newcombe, TD Nguyen, C Nguyen-Mau, EM Niel, S Nieswand, N Nikitin, NS Nolte, C Nunez, A Oblakowska-Mucha, V Obraztsov, S Ogilvy, DP O'Hanlon, R Oldeman, CJG Onderwater, JD Osborn, A Ossowska, JM Otalora Goicochea, T Ovsiannikova, P Owen, A Oyanguren, B Pagare, PR Pais, T Pajero, A Palano, M Palutan, Y Pan, G Panshin, A Papanestis, M Pappagallo, LL Pappalardo, C Pappenheimer, W Parker, C Parkes, CJ Parkinson, B Passalacqua, G Passaleva, A Pastore, M Patel, C Patrignani, CJ Pawley, A Pearce, A Pellegrino, M Pepe Altarelli, S Perazzini, D Pereima, P Perret, K Petridis, A Petrolini, A Petrov, S Petrucci, M Petruzzo, A Philippov, L Pica, M Piccini, B Pietrzyk, G Pietrzyk, M Pili, D Pinci, J Pinzino, F Pisani, A Piucci, PK Resmi, V Placinta, S Playfer, J Plews, M Plo Casasus, F Polci, M Poli Lener, M Poliakova, A Poluektov, N Polukhina, I Polyakov, E Polycarpo, GJ Pomery, S Ponce, A Popov, D Popov, S Popov, S Poslavskii, K Prasanth, L Promberger, C Prouve, V Pugatch, A Puig Navarro, H Pullen, G Punzi, W Qian, J Qin, R Quagliani, B Quintana, NV Raab, RI Rabadan Trejo, B Rachwal, JH Rademacker, M Rama, M Ramos Pernas, MS Rangel, F Ratnikov, G Raven, M Reboud, F Redi, F Reiss, C Remon Alepuz, Z Ren, V Renaudin, R Ribatti, S Ricciardi, DS Richards, S Richards, K Rinnert, P Robbe, A Robert, G Robertson, AB Rodrigues, E Rodrigues, JA Rodriguez Lopez, M Roehrken, A Rollings, P Roloff, V Romanovskiy, M Romero Lamas, A Romero Vidal, JD Roth, M Rotondo, MS Rudolph, T Ruf, J Ruiz Vidal, A Ryzhikov, J Ryzka, JJ Saborido Silva, N Sagidova, N Sahoo, B Saitta, C Sanchez Gras, C Sanchez Mayordomo, R Santacesaria, C Santamarina Rios, M Santimaria, E Santovetti, D Saranin, G Sarpis, M Sarpis, A Sarti, C Satriano, A Satta, M Saur, D Savrina, H Sazak, LG Scantlebury Smead, S Schael, M Schellenberg, M Schiller, H Schindler, M Schmelling, T Schmelzer, B Schmidt, O Schneider, A Schopper, HF Schreiner, M Schubiger, S Schulte, MH Schune, R Schwemmer, B Sciascia, A Sciubba, S Sellam, A Semennikov, M Senghi Soares, A Sergi, N Serra, J Serrano, L Sestini, A Seuthe, P Seyfert, DM Shangase, M Shapkin, I Shchemerov, L Shchutska, T Shears, L Shekhtman, Z Shen, V Shevchenko, EB Shields, E Shmanin, JD Shupperd, BG Siddi, R Silva Coutinho, L Silva de Oliveira, G Simi, S Simone, I Skiba, N Skidmore, T Skwarnicki, MW Slater, JC Smallwood, JG Smeaton, A Smetkina, E Smith, IT Smith, M Smith, A Snoch, M Soares, L Soares Lavra, MD Sokoloff, FJP Soler, A Solovev, I Solovyev, FL Souza De Almeida, B Souza De Paula, B Spaan, E Spadaro Norella, P Spradlin, F Stagni, M Stahl, S Stahl, P Stefko, O Steinkamp, S Stemmle, O Stenyakin, M Stepanova, H Stevens, S Stone, ME Stramaglia, M Straticiuc, D Strekalina, S Strokov, F Suljik, J Sun, L Sun, Y Sun, P Svihra, PN Swallow, K Swientek, A Szabelski, T Szumlak, M Szymanski, S Taneja, Z Tang, T Tekampe, F Teubert, E Thomas, KA Thomson, MJ Tilley, V Tisserand, S T'Jampens, M Tobin, S Tolk, L Tomassetti, D Torres Machado, DY Tou, E Tournefier, M Traill, MT Tran, E Trifonova, C Trippl, A Tsaregorodtsev, G Tuci, A Tully, N Tuning, A Ukleja, DJ Unverzagt, A Usachov, A Ustyuzhanin, U Uwer, A Vagner, V Vagnoni, A Valassi, G Valenti, N Valls Canudas, M van Beuzekom, H Van Hecke, E van Herwijnen, CB Van Hulse, M van Veghel, R Vazquez Gomez, P Vazquez Regueiro, C Vazquez Sierra, S Vecchi, JJ Velthuis, M Veltri, A Venkateswaran, M Veronesi, M Vesterinen, JV Viana Barbosa, D Vieira, M Vieites Diaz, H Viemann, X Vilasis-Cardona, E Vilella Figueras, P Vincent, G Vitali, A Vitkovskiy, A Vollhardt, D Vom Bruch, A Vorobyev, V Vorobyev, N Voropaev, R Waldi, J Walsh, C Wang, J Wang, J Wang, J Wang, J Wang, M Wang, R Wang, Y Wang, Z Wang, DR Ward, HM Wark, NK Watson, SG Weber, D Websdale, A Weiden, C Weisser, BDC Westhenry, DJ White, M Whitehead, D Wiedner, G Wilkinson, M Wilkinson, I Williams, M Williams, MRJ Williams, T Williams, FF Wilson, W Wislicki, M Witek, L Witola, G Wormser, SA Wotton, H Wu, K Wyllie, Z Xiang, D Xiao, Y Xie, H Xing, A Xu, J Xu, L Xu, M Xu, Q Xu, Z Xu, Z Xu, D Yang, Y Yang, Z Yang, Yang, Y Yao, LE Yeomans, H Yin, J Yu, X Yuan, O Yushchenko, KA Zarebski, M Zavertyaev, M Zdybal, O Zenaiev, M Zeng, D Zhang, L Zhang, S Zhang, Y Zhang, A Zhelezov, Y Zheng, X Zhou, Y Zhou, X Zhu, V Zhukov, JB Zonneveld, S Zucchelli, D Zuliani, G Zunica
Mar 26, 2021
A measurement of four branching-fraction ratios for three-body decays of $B$ mesons involving two open-charm hadrons in the final state is presented. Run 1 and Run 2 $pp$ collision data are used, recorded by the LHCb experiment...
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Homocysteine, B vitamins, and cardiovascular disease
BACKGROUND: Whether a modestly elevated homocysteine level is causally associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease remains unestablished. We conducted a Mendelian randomization study to assess the associations of...
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An agent-based model clarifies the importance of functional and developmental integration in shaping brain evolution
Abstract: Background: Vertebrate brain structure is characterised not only by relative consistency in scaling between components, but also by many examples of divergence from these general trends.. Alternative hypotheses explain...
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Homocysteine, B vitamins, and cardiovascular disease
Abstract: Background: Whether a modestly elevated homocysteine level is causally associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease remains unestablished. We conducted a Mendelian randomization study to assess the...
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Eastern District Alumnae Association to Hold Meeting
Winthrop News Service
Jan 01, 0001
Winthrop College Alumnae Association Eastern District consisted of the counties of Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Marion, Marlboro, and Williamsburg. Meeting place on October 26 was First Baptist Church...
Published by: Winthrop University
Meaning at the Crossroads
Stephen Costello
Mar 16, 2022
Stephen J. Costello holds a BA, MA, and PhD in philosophy. He has addressed two parliaments—Stormont on human rights and the European Parliament in Brussels on mental health. He has twenty-five years’ experience giving seminars...
Proportional versus relative size as metrics in human brain evolution.
in addressing the question of whether human prefrontal cortex (PFC) is “disproportionately larger in humans compared with nonhuman primates” in their article in PNAS, Donahue et al. (1) gloss over the distinction between...
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