Developmental students face significant academic and life challenges as they pursue a college degree. As students in developmental studies often struggle to complete their courses, research focused on innovative pedagogy that...
"Patrick Dougherty: Stick Work," a series of photographs of Dougherty's past installations, will run March 31-May 7 at Gallery Up in Rock Hill. Opening March 26, an exhibition of the works of N.C. painter Jeremiah Miller will...
Patrick, a native of Knoxville, Tennessee, will use the $7,500 award to attend medical school at Western University of Health Sciences of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific in Pomona, California. He was a recipient last year of...
This article examines Humphrey Jennings’ film A Diary for Timothy (1945) and makes the case for understanding the form and aesthetic power of the film through the multiple meanings of the human body. Bodies — of the infant...
Animal toxins present a major threat to human health worldwide, predominantly through snakebite envenomings, which are responsible for over 100,000 deaths each year. To date, the only available treatment against snakebite...
Patrick Brown is an independent scholar in Honolulu, Hawaii. Before moving to Hawaii, he taught in the philosophy department and the school of law at Seattle University. Brown received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Boston...
Patrick Brown is an independent scholar in Honolulu, Hawaii. Before moving to Hawaii, he taught in the philosophy department and the school of law at Seattle University. Brown received his Ph.D. in philosophy from Boston...
Eric Jenkins’ Free to Say No? Free Will and Augustine’s Evolving Doctrines of Grace and Election is a relatively concise and highly readable investigation into Augustine’s changing position on the freedom of the will and various...
Eric Jenkins’ Free to Say No? Free Will and Augustine’s Evolving Doctrines of Grace and Election is a relatively concise and highly readable investigation into Augustine’s changing position on the freedom of the will and various...
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract of vertebrates is inhabited by a vast array of organisms, i.e., the microbiota and macrobiota. The former is composed largely of commensal microorganisms, which play vital roles in host nutrition...
The suitability of biodiesel produced from spent Vietnamese coffee was examined. Previous work shows that the geographical origin of coffee beans has little effect on the composition and physical properties of the biodiesel...
The suitability of biodiesel produced from spent Vietnamese coffee was examined. Previous work shows that the geographical origin of coffee beans has little effect on the composition and physical properties of the biodiesel...
Why do terrorist attacks occur in certain places and times but not others? Despite advances in collection and empirical methods, the literature has produced divergent results and reached little consensus for common hypotheses...
Abstract: Background: The complex network of interactions occurring between gastrointestinal (GI) and extra-intestinal (EI) parasitic helminths of humans and animals and the resident gut microbial flora is attracting increasing...
A plethora of data points towards a role of the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota of neonatal and young vertebrates in supporting the development and regulation of the host immune system. However, knowledge of the impact that...
Abstract: Background: The complex network of interactions occurring between gastrointestinal (GI) and extra-intestinal (EI) parasitic helminths of humans and animals and the resident gut microbial flora is attracting increasing...
BACKGROUND:The complex network of interactions occurring between gastrointestinal (GI) and extra-intestinal (EI) parasitic helminths of humans and animals and the resident gut microbial flora is attracting increasing attention...
Abstract: A plethora of data points towards a role of the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota of neonatal and young vertebrates in supporting the development and regulation of the host immune system. However, knowledge of the...
Winthrop tennis player Steven Patrick and the other recipient, Longwood University women's soccer player Olivia Colella, will receive their awards of $2,000 each on June 2 to use for their respective graduate studies. Patrick...
The plant has recently emerged as a battleground of conflicting ecocriticisms. ‘Dark Ecology’ is, in the works of Timothy Morton, an ecocritical hermeneutic, in which the world can be subtracted into the parts of...
BACKGROUND: The complex network of interactions occurring between gastrointestinal (GI) and extra-intestinal (EI) parasitic helminths of humans and animals and the resident gut microbial flora is attracting increasing attention...