
Results: 16
Artificial Intelligent Embedded Doctor (AIEDr.)
This article focuses on the development of a diagnostic model for low back pain management, a mathematical model describing the cause of the disease and an inclusive hardware implementation with artificial intelligence (AI). It...
AI-Based Sales Forecasting Model for Digital Marketing
Sales prediction with minute accuracy plays a crucial role for an organization to sustain amidst the global competitive business environment. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) on top of the existing information technology...
Forecasting Price of Amazon Spot Instances Using Machine Learning
An auction-based cloud model is followed in the spot pricing mechanism, where the spot instances charge changes with time. The user is bound to pay for the time that is initially initiated. If the user terminates before the...
Ethical Values and Gravity of Profit or How Much Should Be Greed of Profit
Profit is fundamental right of every business, but the question is what should be the gravity of profit or how much be the greed of profit. Appetency of profit is must but too much greed affect the business. Researcher in this...
Published by: Singh Publication
Correlating Photoluminescence and Structural Properties of Uncapped and GaAs-Capped Epitaxial InGaAs Quantum Dots.
The understanding of the correlation between structural and photoluminescence (PL) properties of self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), particularly InGaAs QDs grown on (001) GaAs substrates, is crucial for both...
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Diversified Work Environment – A Challenge for Workplace Manager
Uniqueness is the law of nature. Two individuals are not alike. This law has a great impact on business organization’s work environment. It’s a big challenge to deal with number of individual & group differences at...
Published by: Singh Publication
Ethical Values and Gravity of Profit or How Much Should Be Greed of Profit
Profit is fundamental right of every business, but the question is what should be the gravity of profit or how much be the greed of profit. Appetency of profit is must but too much greed affect the business. Researcher in this...
Published by: Singh Publication
Developing Personal Traits by using Divine Tool – Bhagwad Gita
Every day from morning to evening we all are in the battlefield. We are facing number of problems and challenges in day to day life. In this research paper, some important teachings of Bhagwad-Geeta are highlighted. Such as;...
Published by: Singh Publication
Diversified Work Environment – A Challenge for Workplace Manager
Uniqueness is the law of nature. Two individuals are not alike. This law has a great impact on business organization’s work environment. It’s a big challenge to deal with number of individual & group differences at...
Published by: Singh Publication
Developing Personal Traits by using Divine Tool – Bhagwad Gita
Every day from morning to evening we all are in the battlefield. We are facing number of problems and challenges in day to day life. In this research paper, some important teachings of Bhagwad-Geeta are highlighted. Such as;...
Published by: Singh Publication
Feature Engineering Techniques to Improve Identification Accuracy for Offline Signature Case-Bases
Handwritten signatures have been widely acclaimed for personal identification viability in educated human society. But, the astronomical growth of population in recent years warrant developing mechanized systems to remove the...
Indication of electron neutrino appearance from an accelerator-produced off-axis muon neutrino beam.
K Abe, N Abgrall, Y Ajima, H Aihara, JB Albert, C Andreopoulos, B Andrieu, S Aoki, O Araoka, J Argyriades, A Ariga, T Ariga, S Assylbekov, D Autiero, A Badertscher, M Barbi, GJ Barker, G Barr, M Bass, F Bay, S Bentham, V Berardi, BE Berger, I Bertram, M Besnier, J Beucher, D Beznosko, S Bhadra, FDMM Blaszczyk, A Blondel, C Bojechko, J Bouchez, SB Boyd, A Bravar, C Bronner, DG Brook-Roberge, N Buchanan, H Budd, D Calvet, SL Cartwright, A Carver, R Castillo, MG Catanesi, A Cazes, A Cervera, C Chavez, S Choi, G Christodoulou, J Coleman, W Coleman, G Collazuol, K Connolly, A Curioni, A Dabrowska, I Danko, R Das, GS Davies, S Davis, M Day, G De Rosa, JPAM de André, P de Perio, A Delbart, C Densham, F Di Lodovico, S Di Luise, P Dinh Tran, J Dobson, U Dore, O Drapier, F Dufour, J Dumarchez, S Dytman, M Dziewiecki, M Dziomba, S Emery, A Ereditato, L Escudero, LS Esposito, M Fechner, A Ferrero, AJ Finch, E Frank, Y Fujii, Y Fukuda, V Galymov, FC Gannaway, A Gaudin, A Gendotti, MA George, S Giffin, C Giganti, K Gilje, T Golan, M Goldhaber, JJ Gomez-Cadenas, M Gonin, N Grant, A Grant, P Gumplinger, P Guzowski, A Haesler, MD Haigh, K Hamano, C Hansen, D Hansen, T Hara, PF Harrison, B Hartfiel, M Hartz, T Haruyama, T Hasegawa, NC Hastings, S Hastings, A Hatzikoutelis, K Hayashi, Y Hayato, C Hearty, RL Helmer, R Henderson, N Higashi, J Hignight, E Hirose, J Holeczek, S Horikawa, A Hyndman, AK Ichikawa, K Ieki, M Ieva, M Iida, M Ikeda, J Ilic, J Imber, T Ishida, C Ishihara, T Ishii, SJ Ives, M Iwasaki, K Iyogi, A Izmaylov, B Jamieson, RA Johnson, KK Joo, GV Jover-Manas, CK Jung, H Kaji, T Kajita, H Kakuno, J Kameda, K Kaneyuki, D Karlen, K Kasami, I Kato, E Kearns, M Khabibullin, F Khanam, A Khotjantsev, D Kielczewska, T Kikawa, J Kim, JY Kim, SB Kim, N Kimura, B Kirby, J Kisiel, P Kitching, T Kobayashi, G Kogan, S Koike, A Konaka, LL Kormos, A Korzenev, K Koseki, Y Koshio, Y Kouzuma, K Kowalik, V Kravtsov, I Kreslo, W Kropp, H Kubo, Y Kudenko, N Kulkarni, R Kurjata, T Kutter, J Lagoda, K Laihem, M Laveder, KP Lee, PT Le, JM Levy, C Licciardi, IT Lim, T Lindner, RP Litchfield, M Litos, A Longhin, GD Lopez, PF Loverre, L Ludovici, T Lux, M Macaire, K Mahn, Y Makida, M Malek, S Manly, A Marchionni, AD Marino, J Marteau, JF Martin, T Maruyama, T Maryon, J Marzec, P Masliah, EL Mathie, C Matsumura, K Matsuoka, V Matveev, K Mavrokoridis, E Mazzucato, N McCauley, KS McFarland, C McGrew, T McLachlan, M Messina, W Metcalf, C Metelko, M Mezzetto, P Mijakowski, CA Miller, A Minamino, O Mineev, S Mine, AD Missert, G Mituka, M Miura, K Mizouchi, L Monfregola, F Moreau, B Morgan, S Moriyama, A Muir, A Murakami, M Murdoch, S Murphy, J Myslik, T Nakadaira, M Nakahata, T Nakai, K Nakajima, T Nakamoto, K Nakamura, S Nakayama, T Nakaya, D Naples, ML Navin, B Nelson, TC Nicholls, K Nishikawa, H Nishino, JA Nowak, M Noy, Y Obayashi, T Ogitsu, H Ohhata, T Okamura, K Okumura, T Okusawa, SM Oser, M Otani, RA Owen, Y Oyama, T Ozaki, MY Pac, V Palladino, V Paolone, P Paul, D Payne, GF Pearce, JD Perkin, V Pettinacci, F Pierre, E Poplawska, B Popov, M Posiadala, J-M Poutissou, R Poutissou, P Przewlocki, W Qian, JL Raaf, E Radicioni, PN Ratoff, TM Raufer, M Ravonel, M Raymond, F Retiere, A Robert, PA Rodrigues, E Rondio, JM Roney, B Rossi, S Roth, A Rubbia, D Ruterbories, S Sabouri, R Sacco, K Sakashita, F Sánchez, A Sarrat, K Sasaki, K Scholberg, J Schwehr, M Scott, DI Scully, Y Seiya, T Sekiguchi, H Sekiya, M Shibata, Y Shimizu, M Shiozawa, S Short, M Siyad, RJ Smith, M Smy, JT Sobczyk, H Sobel, M Sorel, A Stahl, P Stamoulis, J Steinmann, B Still, J Stone, C Strabel, LR Sulak, R Sulej, P Sutcliffe, A Suzuki, K Suzuki, S Suzuki, SY Suzuki, Y Suzuki, Y Suzuki, T Szeglowski, M Szeptycka, R Tacik, M Tada, S Takahashi, A Takeda, Y Takenaga, Y Takeuchi, K Tanaka, HA Tanaka, M Tanaka, MM Tanaka, N Tanimoto, K Tashiro, I Taylor, A Terashima, D Terhorst, R Terri, LF Thompson, A Thorley, W Toki, T Tomaru, Y Totsuka, C Touramanis, T Tsukamoto, M Tzanov, Y Uchida, K Ueno, A Vacheret, M Vagins, G Vasseur, T Wachala, JJ Walding, AV Waldron, CW Walter, PJ Wanderer, J Wang, MA Ward, GP Ward, D Wark, MO Wascko, A Weber, R Wendell, N West, LH Whitehead, G Wikström, RJ Wilkes, MJ Wilking, JR Wilson, RJ Wilson, T Wongjirad, S Yamada, Y Yamada, A Yamamoto, K Yamamoto, Y Yamanoi, H Yamaoka, C Yanagisawa, T Yano, S Yen, N Yershov, M Yokoyama, A Zalewska, J Zalipska, L Zambelli, K Zaremba, M Ziembicki, ED Zimmerman, M Zito, J Żmuda, T2K Collaboration
May 16, 2019
The T2K experiment observes indications of ν(μ) → ν(e) appearance in data accumulated with 1.43×10(20) protons on target. Six events pass all selection criteria at the far detector. In a three-flavor neutrino oscillation...
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