
Results: 1644
Direitos Sociais na Constituição Uma Análise da Constitucionalização dos Direitos Sociais em Portugal, 1975-76
Embora todas as constituições incluam direitos, e muitas delas incluam direitos sociais, a verdade é que algumas são mais generosas do que outras a este respeito. Mas nenhuma se aproxima da Constituição da República Portuguesa...
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Rhythmic glucose metabolism regulates the redox circadian clockwork in human red blood cells.
Circadian clocks coordinate mammalian behavior and physiology enabling organisms to anticipate 24-hour cycles. Transcription-translation feedback loops are thought to drive these clocks in most of mammalian cells. However, red...
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Colombia's Fork in the Road? President Santos' Treaty with The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Ella Adriana Chirinos
Aug 22, 2017
Colombia is considered Latin America’s most stable democracy; meanwhile, it is war-torn by the internal conflict with the guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The armed conflict with the FARC has...
Colombia's Fork in the Road? President Santos' Treaty with The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Colombia is considered Latin America’s most stable democracy; meanwhile, it is war-torn by the internal conflict with the guerrilla group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The armed conflict with the FARC has...
Biocultural predictors of motor coordination among pre-pubertal boys and girls
This study aimed to predict motor coordination from a matrix of biocultural factors. The sample included 173 children (89 boys, 84 girls) aged 7-9 years assessed on the Körperkoordinationtest für Kinder test battery....
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Blowups with log canonical singularities

We show that the minimum weight of a weighted blowup of Ad with ε–log canonical singularities is bounded by a constant depending only on ε and d . This was conjectured by Birkar. Using the recent classification of...

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Blowups with log canonical singularities

We show that the minimum weight of a weighted blowup of Ad with ε–log canonical singularities is bounded by a constant depending only on ε and d . This was conjectured by Birkar. Using the recent classification of...

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Biocultural predictors of motor coordination among pre-pubertal boys and girls
This study aimed to predict motor coordination from a matrix of biocultural factors. The sample included 173 children (89 boys, 84 girls) aged 7-9 years assessed on the Körperkoordinationtest für Kinder test battery....
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Auxin-degron system identifies immediate mechanisms of OCT4.
The pluripotency factor OCT4 is essential for the maintenance of naive pluripotent stem cells in vitro and in vivo. However, the specific role of OCT4 in this process remains unknown. Here, we developed a rapid protein-level...
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Comparison of fully and semi-automated area-based methods for measuring mammographic density and predicting breast cancer risk.
BACKGROUND: Mammographic density is a strong risk factor for breast cancer but the lack of valid fully automated methods for quantifying it has precluded its use in clinical and screening settings. We compared the performance of...
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Repeated dribbling ability in young soccer players
The intermittent nature of match performance in youth soccer supports relevance of ability to repeatedly produce high-intensity actions with short recovery periods. This study was aimed to examine the reproducibility of a...
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Repeated dribbling ability in young soccer players
The intermittent nature of match performance in youth soccer supports relevance of ability to repeatedly produce high-intensity actions with short recovery periods. This study was aimed to examine the reproducibility of a...
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